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分类: 系统运维

2016-11-05 12:57:10

    Ontology is an effective conceptualism commonly used for the Semantic Web. Fuzzy logic can be incorporated to ontology to represent uncertainty information. Typically, fuzzy ontology is generated from a predefined concept hierarchy. However, to construct a concept hierarchy for a certain domain can be a difficult and tedious task. To tackle this problem, this paper proposes the FOGA (Fuzzy Ontology Generation framework) for automatic generation of fuzzy ontology on uncertainty information. The FOGA framework comprises the following components: Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis, Concept Hierarchy Generation, and Fuzzy Ontology Generation. We also discuss approximating reasoning for incremental enrichment of the ontology with new upcoming data. Finally, a fuzzy-based technique for integrating other attributes of database to the ontology is proposed

   ONTOLOGY is a conceptualization of a domain into a human understandable, machine-readable format consisting of entities, attributes, relationships, and axioms [1]. It is used as a standard knowledge representation for the Semantic Web [2]. However, the conceptual formalism supported by typical ontology may not be sufficient to represent uncertainty information commonly found in many application domains due to the lack of clear-cut boundaries between concepts of the domains. For example, a document can be very relevant, relevant,or irrelevant to a research area. In addition, keywords extracted from scientific publications can be used to infer the corresponding research areas. However, it is inappropriate to treat all
keywords equally as some keywords may be more significant than others.

   To tackle this type of problems, one possible solution is to incorporate fuzzy logic [3] into ontology to handle uncertainty data. Traditionally, fuzzy ontology is generated and used in text retrieval [4] and search engines [5], in which membership values are used to evaluate the similarities between the concepts in a concept hierarchy. However, manual generation of fuzzy ontology from a predefined concept hierarchy is a difficult and tedious task that often requires expert interpretation. So, automatic generation of concept hierarchy and fuzzy ontology from uncertainty data of a domain is highly desirable.

   In this paper, we propose a framework known as FOGA (Fuzzy Ontology Generation frAmework) that can automatically generate a fuzzy ontology from uncertainty data
based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) [6] theory. The generated fuzzy ontology is mapped to a semantic representation in OWL (Web Ontology Language) [7]. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses related work on ontology generation and FCA. Section 3 gives some basic definitions and operators of the fuzzy theory. The FOGA framework is presented in Section 4. Section 5 discusses the approximating reasoning technique to incrementally furnish the generated ontology with new instance. The problem of integrating extra attributes in database to the ontology is given in Section 6. Performance evaluation of the proposed FOGA framework is given in Section 7. Finally, Section 8 concludes the paper.

2.1 Ontology Generation
Although editing tools [8], [9] have been developed to help users to create and edit ontology, it is a troublesome task to manually derive ontology from data. Typically, ontology can be generated from various data types such as textual data [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], dictionary [18], [19], knowledge-based [20] semistructured schemata [21],[22], [23], and relational schemata [24], [25], [26], [27].Compared to other types of data, ontology generation from textual data has attracted the most attention. Among techniques used for processing textual data, clustering is one of the most effective techniques for ontology learning.Conceptual clustering techniques such as COBWEB [28]and CLASSIT [29] are powerful clustering techniques that can conceptualize clusters for ontology generation [16], [17].

2.2 Formal Concept Analysis
   FCA is a formal technique for data analysis and knowledge presentation. It defines formal contexts to represent relationships between objects and attributes in a domain.From the formal contexts, FCA can then generate formal concepts and interpret the corresponding concept lattice, so that information can be browsed or retrieved effectively

   FCA is widely used for various applications, such as, text processing [30], [31], [32], ontology merging [33], [34],e-mail manager [35], [36], e-learning [37], Web navigation [38], and expert system [39]. However, as most concept lattices are quite complicated in terms of the number of concepts generated, it is necessary to simplify the lattice generated. In the Iceberg concept lattice [40], association
rules are typically used for clustering concepts on the lattice. Conceptual scaling [41] or lattice theory [42] is then used to generate the concept hierarchy in the TOSCANA [43] and GALOIS systems [44], respectively. In order to prune the lattices generated for text mining, clustering is first performed on the data set to generate clusters of documents [45], [46]. Then, feature selection is  used to extract frequent keywords (or terms) from documents in each cluster as attributes for the cluster

   Traditional FCA-based conceptual clustering approaches are hardly able to represent such vague information. To tackle this problem, fuzzy logic can be incorporated into FCA to handle uncertainty information for conceptual clustering and concept hierarchy generation. Pollandt [47],Burusco and Fuentes-Gonza ´ lez [48], and Huynh and Nakamori [49] have proposed the L-Fuzzy context as an attempt to combine fuzzy logic with FCA. The L-Fuzzy context uses linguistic variables, which are linguistic terms associated with fuzzy sets, to represent uncertainty in the context. However, human interpretation is required to define the linguistic variables. Moreover, the fuzzy concept lattice generated from the L-fuzzy context usually causes a combinatorial explosion of concepts as compared to the traditional concept lattice.

   We propose a new technique that combines fuzzy logic and FCA as Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis (FFCA), in which the uncertainty information is directly represented by a real number of membership value in the range of [0,1]. As such, linguistic variables are no longer needed. Compared to the fuzzy concept lattice generated from the L-fuzzy context, the fuzzy concept lattice generated using FFCA will be simpler in terms of the number of formal concepts. It also supports a formal mechanism for calculating concept similarities.

   In this section, we review some fundamental knowledge of fuzzy theory [3].



   The max-min composition indicates the strength of lation between the element of X and Z.


   Fig. 1 shows the proposed FOGA (Fuzzy Ontology Generation frAmework), which consists of the following components.
4.1 Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis
   The Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis incorporates fuzzy logic into Formal Concept Analysis to represent vague information.


   Fuzzy formal context can also be represented as a cross-table as shown in Table 1. The context has three objects representing three documents, D1, D2, and D3. It also has three attributes, “Data Mining,” “Clustering,” and “Fuzzy Logic” representing three research topics. The relationship between an object and an attribute is represented by a membership value in [0, 1].
   模糊形式上下文可以用cross表表示,如表1。表中有三个对象表示三个文档D1,D2,D3.它们具有三个属性:data mining,clustering,fuzzy logic,表示三个研究主题。对象与属性之间的关系用0-1之间的关联值表示。
   An a-cut can be set to eliminate relations that have low membership values. Table 2 shows the cross-table of the fuzzy formal context given in Table 1 with a= 0.5.
   用a-cut去评估低关联值的关系。表2显示了当a= 0.5时,由表1生成cross-table表

   Generally, we can consider the attributes of a formal concept as the description of the concept. Thus, the relationships between the object and the concept should
be the intersection of the relationships between the objects and the attributes of the concept. Since each relationship between the object and an attribute is represented as a membership value in fuzzy formal context, the intersection
of these membership values should be the minimum of these membership values as in Definition 3

   Note that the fuzzy formal concept in Definition 1 can be considered a special case of a many-valued context [13]. However, our fuzzy-based modification of FCA as presented in Definitions 9 and 11 preserves differently continuous values of objects’ memberships, which are crucial for calculating concepts’ similarities. In a formal context, a concept can have many superconcepts and  subconcepts. However, the similarities of a concept to its superconcepts and subconcepts are different. Such information cannot be shown in a traditional concept lattice. With fuzzy concept lattice, we can make use of the fuzzy set theory to calculate the similarities between a concept and its subconcepts.

   Fig. 2 shows the traditional concept lattice generated from Table 1 without membership values. Fig. 3 shows the fuzzy concept lattice generated from the fuzzy formal context given in Table 2, in which the similarities between the concepts are given. Fig. 4 shows the L-fuzzy lattice generated by replacing the membership values in Table 2 with the corresponding linguistic values “low,” “medium,” and “high” given.Clearly, the fuzzy concept lattice is simpler than the L-fuzzy lattice in terms of the number of formal concepts. It can provide additional information, such as membership values of objects in each fuzzy formal concept and similarities of fuzzy formal concepts, which are important for the construction of concept hierarchy
   图2显示了不用关联值,利用表1的数据生成传统的概念格。图3显示了从利用模糊形式上下文从表2生成 模糊概念格,其概念之间的相似度是给定的。图4显示了用语言学变数“low”,"medium"和"high"代替表2中的关联值生成的L-fuzzy格。它也能提供另外的信息,比如每个模糊形式概念中对象之间的关联值和模糊形式概念的相似度,这对概念层次的构造十分有用。

4.2 Concept Hierarchy Generation
   Concept Hierarchy Generation clusters the fuzzy concept lattice generated by FFCA to construct a concept hierarchy in the two following steps.
4.2.1 Fuzzy Conceptual Clustering
   As in traditional concept lattice, the fuzzy concept lattice generated using FFCA is sometimes quite complicated due to the large number of fuzzy formal concepts generated. Since the formal concepts are generated mathematically, objects that have small differences in terms of attribute values are classified into distinct formal concepts. Such objects should belong to the same concept when they are interpreted by human.
4.2.1 模糊概念聚类

   Thus, we cluster formal concepts into conceptual clusters using fuzzy conceptual clustering. Compared to traditional clusters, the conceptual clusters generated have the following properties:
   . Each conceptual cluster is considered as a human interpretable concept in the domain of the fuzzy concept lattice.
   . Each conceptual cluster is a sublattice extracted from the fuzzy concept lattice.
   . A formal concept must belong to at least one conceptual cluster. For example, a scientific document can belong to more than one research area.
   . 在模糊概念格的领域里,每个概念层聚类被认为是可人工说明的概念
   . 每个概念层的聚类是一个从模糊概念格扩展出的子格
   . 一个形式概念至少拥有一个概念聚类。比如一个科学文档可以拥有多个查询条件。

   Conceptual clusters are generated based on the premise that if a formal concept A belongs to a conceptual cluster R,then its subconcept B also belongs to R if B is similar to A.We can use a similarity confidence threshold Ts to determine whether two concepts are similar or not.


   A conceptual cluster can be considered as a set of fuzzy formal concept. Each concept is associated with a set of objects and attributes. As such, each conceptual cluster can also be represented as sets of objects and attributes.Moreover, each object in each conceptual cluster should have a membership value implying the uncertainty degree of the fact “the object belongs to the conceptual cluster.” Therefore, we define some formal definitions as follows:

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