You are given a binary tree in which each node contains a value. Design an algorithm to print all paths which sum up to that value. Note that it can be any path in the tree-it does not have to start at the root.
using namespace std;
struct treeNode
struct treeNode *pLeft,*pRight;
int p_val;
struct treeNode *createShortestTree(int *a,int lo,int hi)//构建高度最小的树 二分查找的方法
if (lo > hi)//注意着里没有等号,这里不能省略,否则段错误
return NULL;
int mid = (lo+hi)/2;
int key = a[mid];
struct treeNode *pRoot = NULL;
pRoot = (struct treeNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct treeNode));
pRoot->p_val = key;
pRoot->pLeft = createShortestTree(a,lo,mid-1);
pRoot->pRight = createShortestTree(a,mid+1,hi);
return pRoot;
void insetLastLeft(struct treeNode *&pRoot,struct treeNode *pNew)
assert(pRoot != NULL && pNew != NULL);
struct treeNode *root = pRoot;
while (root->pLeft)
root = root->pLeft;
root->pLeft = pNew;
void insertLastRight(struct treeNode *&pRoot,struct treeNode *pNew)
assert(pRoot != NULL && pNew != NULL);//这里别忘了判断pNew
struct treeNode *root = pRoot;
while (root->pRight)
root = root->pRight;
root->pRight = pNew;
void print(vector<int> buffer,int first,int last)//顺序打印
for (int i = first;i <= last;i++)
cout << buffer[i]<< "\t";
cout << "\n";
void findsum(struct treeNode *pRoot,int sum,vector<int> &buffer,int level)
if (pRoot == NULL) return ;//这个终止条件别忘写了
int tmp = sum;
int i = 0;
for (i = level;i >= 0;i--)
tmp -= buffer[i];
if (tmp == 0) print(buffer,i,level);
vector<int> bufferl(buffer);//buffer1[0] = buffer[0],bufferl[1] = 新加入的节点的值....
vector<int> bufferr(buffer);
int main()
int i = 0;
int a[10];
vector<int> vec;
for (i = 0;i < 10;i++)
a[i] = i+1;
struct treeNode *pRoot = NULL;
pRoot = createShortestTree(a,0,9);
if (pRoot == NULL)
cout << "pRoot is null" << endl;
struct treeNode *new1 = (struct treeNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct treeNode));
new1->p_val = 11;
new1->pLeft = NULL;
new1->pRight = NULL;
struct treeNode *new2 = (struct treeNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct treeNode));
new2->p_val = 4;
new2->pLeft = NULL;
new2->pRight = NULL;
return 0;
[root@localhost c++]# ./a.out
2 1 11
5 2 3 4
8 6
10 4
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