to convenient for after we need to do this.
first set the fix ip address
then set the virtual machine network mode
then ping to each other test the network can work
the install the ssh and other operate
1. set the different ip address of every virtual machine
open the terminal use "ctrl+alt+t"
set the file "interfaces " at the directory "/etc/network"
one of my set like below
i set my three machine address master/ ; slave1/ ; slave2/;
2. set network mode of the virtual machine
set the "bridged adapter" and select the "eth0" like below
set all the virtual machine in the same mode
3. ping to each other
like me: at ping appear like below
4. install ssh at all virtual machine
(1 install ssh
because you need network at here you must restore the network set .
like set the virtual network mode to be "NAT"
and note the set in "etc/network/interfaces" like below
and after this set you must set network in
"bridged adapter" and select the "eth0"
and reset the ip address of each machines
then install ssh
use the command "sudo apt-get install ssh"
install scp which used after
use the command "sudo apt-get install scp"
(2 generate the private key and the public key at all machines
use comand "ssh-keygen -t dsa"
then will generate ".ssh" directory at your user directory,and you can use "ls -l" to see
the cd into the ".ssh" and use the comand "cat id-dsa.pub >> authorized_keys"
then you can see the file in the ".ssh" like below
(3 use "scp" command to copy file to other virtual machine
use the scp command like me copy "authorized_keys" from to
"scp /home/warrior/.ssh/authorized_keys warrior@"
then login at the and cd into ".ssh" directory
the same operate
"ssh-keygen -t dsa"
"cat id-dsa.pub >> authorized_keys"
and then scp the "authorized_keys" to other virtual machine like below at copy to
"scp /home/warrior/.ssh/authorized_keys warrior@"
do this until you confirm the file "authorized_keys" contain all the "id_dsa.pub" of each virtual machines and all the machines have the same "authorized_keys"
then all the operate and set is over. and you can install "hadoop" at first "spark" at second then use "scp" copy it to all slave machines.
If you have some other network problems, you can visit my other blog : http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-29454152-id-5149181.html
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