# Contacting target "DB"...
Installing HPOvXpl package.
======= 05/11/09 16:44:20 EAT BEGIN swinstall SESSION
(non-interactive) (jobid=EIPDB-0001)
* Session started for user "".
* Beginning Selection
ERROR: Could not start a management session for "DB:/". The
system administrator for host "EIPDB" may have disabled the
swagentd daemon or there may be a networking problem affecting
the operation. If the swagentd daemon has been disabled, it
can be enabled by the system administrator on "EIPDB" by
setting the "SW_ENABLE_SWAGENTD" entry in
/etc/rc.config.d/swconfig to "1" and executing
"/usr/sbin/swagentd -r".
* Target connection failed for "DB:/".
ERROR: More information may be found in the daemon logfile on this
target (default location is EIPDB:/var/adm/sw/swagentd.log).
* Selection had errors.
#/sbin/init.d/swagentd start
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