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2015-05-08 19:53:21

: Lions Club eyeglasses recycling program, Monday through Sunday, Jan. 31, eyeglasses, sunglasses, prescription and regular, over the ear hearing aids and donations; drop off sites: Jenkins Twp. Municipal Building, Wesley Village Partridge Tippett, Meyers Manor office, Anderson Personal Care, Northeast Eye Institute at Pittston Plaza, Senior High School, Dr.

: also by rioux

: Summer is upon us (finally!), and after enduring what was arguably the coldest winter ever, dreams of swimming in the warm ocean, lying around the sun drenched white sand, and having one (or ten) of those drinks with the little umbrellas can now become a reality. But all of that comes with a minor little snag the sun. Spoiler alert: Everything from skin cancer to aging complexions can be blamed on that sneaky little star..

: The Gaudineers knew about Make A Wish, a charity that grants wishes for children with life threatening illnesses. But putting in an application wasn't a priority while tending to Justin's illness and raising two older sons, Joshua, now 20, and Jordan, 16. Last March, things were finally going well enough to consider it.

: also called

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