1.1 四层负载均衡器
所谓的四层就是ISO参考模型中的第四层,四层负载均衡器也称为四层交换机。它主要是通过分析TCP层以及TCP/IP层的流量实现基于 IP+端口 的负载均衡;
1.2 七层负载均衡器
比如,对于web服务器的负载均衡,七层负载均衡器不仅可以根据IP+端口的方式进行负载分流,还乐意根据网站的URL,访问域名,浏览器类别,语言等决定负载均衡的策略。比如,有两台web服务器分别对应中英文两个网站,域名分别为A B,要实现访问A域名时进入中文网站,访问B域名时进入英文网站,这在四层负载均衡器中几乎是无法实现的,而七层负载均衡器可以根据客户端访问域名的不同选择对应的网页进行负载均衡处理;
2. HAproxy与LVS的异同
We always support at least two active versions in parallel and an extra old one in critical fixes mode only. The currently supported versions are :
1.5版本: the most featureful version, supports SSL, IPv6, keep-alive, DDoS protection, etc...
1.4版本: the most stable version for people who don't need SSL. Still provides client-side keep-alive
1.3版本: the old stable version for companies who cannot upgrade for internal policy reasons.
The most differenciating features of each version are listed below:
released in 2014 This version further expands 1.4 with 4 years of hard work : native SSL support on both sides with SNI/NPN/ALPN and OCSP stapling, IPv6 and UNIX sockets are supported everywhere, full HTTP keep-alive for better support of NTLM and improved efficiency in static farms, HTTP/1.1 compression (deflate, gzip) to save bandwidth, PROXY protocol versions 1 and 2 on both sides, data sampling on everything in request or response, including payload, ACLs can use any matching method with any input sample maps and dynamic ACLs updatable from the CLI stick-tables support counters to track activity on any input sample custom format for logs, unique-id, header rewriting, and redirects, improved health checks (SSL, scripted TCP, check agent, ...), much more scalable configuration supports hundreds of thousands of backends and certificates without sweating;
released in 2010 This version has brought its share of new features over 1.3, most of which were long awaited : client-side keep-alive to reduce the time to load heavy pages for clients over the net, TCP speedups to help the TCP stack save a few packets per connection, response buffering for an even lower number of concurrent connections on the servers, RDP protocol support with server stickiness and user filtering, source-based stickiness to attach a source address to a server, a much better stats interface reporting tons of useful information, more verbose health checks reporting precise statuses and responses in stats and logs, traffic-based health to fast-fail a server above a certain error threshold, support for HTTP authentication for any request including stats, with support for password encryption, server management from the CLI to enable/disable and change a server's weight without restarting haproxy, ACL-based persistence to maintain or disable persistence based on ACLs, regardless of the server's state, log analyzer to generate fast reports from logs parsed at 1 Gbyte/s;
released in 2006 This version has brought a lot of new features and improvements over 1.2, among which content switching to select a server pool based on any request criteria, ACL to write content switching rules, wider choice of load-balancing algorithms for better integration, content inspection allowing to block unexpected protocols, transparent proxy under Linux, which allows to directly connect to the server using the client's IP address, kernel TCP splicing to forward data between the two sides without copy in order to reach multi-gigabit data rates, layered design separating sockets, TCP and HTTP processing for more robust and faster processing and easier evolutions, fast and fair scheduler allowing better QoS by assigning priorities to some tasks, session rate limiting for colocated environments, etc...
Linux 2.4 on x86, x86_64, Alpha, Sparc, MIPS, PARISC
Linux 2.6 / 3.x on x86, x86_64, ARM, Sparc, PPC64
Solaris 8/9 on UltraSPARC 2 and 3
Solaris 10 on Opteron and UltraSPARC
FreeBSD 4.10 - 10 on x86
OpenBSD 3.1 to -current on i386, amd64, macppc, alpha, sparc64 and VAX (check the ports)
AIX 5.1 - 5.3 on Power? architecture
O(1)事件检查器(event checker)允许其在高并发连接中对任何连接的任何事件实现即时探测。
借助于Linux 2.6(>=上的splice()系统调用,HAProxy可以实现零复制转发(Zero-copy
forwarding),在Linux 3.5及以上的OS中还可以实现零复制启动(zero-starting);
在生产环境中,在7层处理上使用HAProxy作为昂贵的高端硬件负载均衡设备故障故障时的紧急解决方案也时长可见。硬件负载均衡设备在“报文”级别处理请求,这在支持跨报文请求(request across multiple packets)有着较高的难度,并且它们不缓冲任何数据,因此有着较长的响应时间。对应地,软件负载均衡设备使用TCP缓冲,可建立极长的请求,且有着较大的响应时间。
1)会话率the session rate
This factor is very important, because it directly determines when the load balancer will not be able to distribute all the requests it receives. It is mostly dependant on the CPU. Sometimes, you will hear about requests/s or hits/s, and they are the same as sessions/s in HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 with keep-alive disabled. Requests/s with keep-alive enabled is generally much higher (since it significantly reduces system-side work) but is often meaningless for internet-facing deployments since clients often open a large amount of connections and do not send many requests per connection on avertage. This factor is measured with varying object sizes, the fastest results generally coming from empty objects (eg: HTTP 302, 304 or 404 response codes). Session rates around 100,000 sessions/s can be achieved on Xeon E5 systems in 2014.
2)会话并发能力the session concurrency
This factor is tied to the previous one. Generally, the session rate will drop when the number of concurrent sessions increases (except with the epoll or kqueue polling mechanisms). The slower the servers, the higher the number of concurrent sessions for a same session rate. If a load balancer receives 10000 sessions per second and the servers respond in 100 ms, then the load balancer will have 1000 concurrent sessions. This number is limited by the amount of memory and the amount of file-descriptors the system can handle. With 16 kB buffers, HAProxy will need about 34 kB per session, which results in around 30000 sessions per GB of RAM. In practise, socket buffers in the system also need some memory and 20000 sessions per GB of RAM is more reasonable. Layer 4 load balancers generally announce millions of simultaneous sessions because they need to deal with the TIME_WAIT sockets that the system handles for free in a proxy. Also they don't process any data so they don't need any buffer. Moreover, they are sometimes designed to be used in Direct Server Return mode, in which the load balancer only sees forward traffic, and which forces it to keep the sessions for a long time after their end to avoid cutting sessions before they are closed.
3)数据率the data forwarding rate
This factor generally is at the opposite of the session rate. It is measured in Megabytes/s (MB/s), or sometimes in Gigabits/s (Gbps). Highest data rates are achieved with large objects to minimise the overhead caused by session setup and teardown. Large objects generally increase session concurrency, and high session concurrency with high data rate requires large amounts of memory to support large windows. High data rates burn a lot of CPU and bus cycles on software load balancers because the data has to be copied from the input interface to memory and then back to the output device. Hardware load balancers tend to directly switch packets from input port to output port for higher data rate, but cannot process them and sometimes fail to touch a header or a cookie. Haproxy on a typical Xeon E5 of 2014 can forward data up to about 40 Gbps. A fanless 1.6 GHz Atom CPU is slightly above 1 Gbps.