问题一:使用perl Gtk2 编程要安装什么软件?
网上搜索了一把perl Gtk2,几乎没找到有关的帮助手册或教程,那乍知道要装哪些软件呢?看来得求助于yum 的搜索功能了。我们找找看:
[user@localhost encode]$ yum search perl |grep Gtk2
perl-Gtk2-Unique.x86_64 : Perl bindings for the C library "libunique"
perl-Gtk2.x86_64 : Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library
perl-Gtk2-Ex-CalendarButton.noarch : Gtk2::Ex::CalendarButton Perl module
perl-Gtk2-Ex-Dialogs.noarch : Useful tools for GNOME2/GTK2 Perl GUI design
perl-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory.noarch : Framework for Gtk2 perl applications
perl-Gtk2-Ex-Utils.noarch : Extra Gtk2 Utilities for working with GNOME2/GTK2 in
perl-Gtk2-ImageView.x86_64 : Perl bindings to the GtkImageView image viewer
perl-Gtk2-Notify.x86_64 : Perl interface to libnotify
perl-Gtk2-Sexy.x86_64 : Perl interface to the sexy widget collection
perl-Gtk2-SourceView.x86_64 : Perl wrappers for the GtkSourceView widget
perl-Gtk2-SourceView2.x86_64 : Perl bindings for the GtkSourceView 2.x widget
perl-Gtk2-Spell.x86_64 : Gtk2::Spell perl module
perl-Gtk2-TrayIcon.x86_64 : Perl interface to the EggTrayIcon library
perl-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK.noarch : Gtk2::TreeView renderer for
perl-Gtk2-AppIndicator.x86_64 : Perl extension for libappindicator
perl-Gtk2-Ex-Carp.noarch : GTK+ friendly die() and warn() functions
perl-Gtk2-Ex-PodViewer.noarch : A Gtk2 widget for displaying Plain old
perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List.noarch : Simple interface to Gtk2's complex MVC list
perl-Gtk2-GladeXML.x86_64 : Create user interfaces directly from Glade XML files
perl-Gtk2-ImageView-devel.i686 : Development headers for perl-Gtk2-ImageView
perl-Gtk2-ImageView-devel.x86_64 : Development headers for perl-Gtk2-ImageView
perl-Gtk2-Sexy-tests.x86_64 : Test suite for package perl-Gtk2-Sexy
perl-Gtk2-Unique-devel.i686 : Development headers for perl-Gtk2-Unique
perl-Gtk2-Unique-devel.x86_64 : Development headers for perl-Gtk2-Unique
perl-Gtk2-WebKit.x86_64 : Web content engine library for Gtk2
sudo yum install perl-Gtk2* -y
rpm -ql perl-Gtk2|les
由以输出可知,/usr/share/doc/perl-Gtk2-1.247/examples/中有范例,同时可以使用man Gtk2::Buildable 来查各个部件的用法。
perl /usr/share/doc/perl-Gtk2-1.247/examples/dialog.pl