分类: 服务器与存储
2015-07-23 16:29:51
机器a 机器b 机器c
1. 在b上安装ats安装包,此处省略具体的安装过程
2. 安装完成后需要修改下配置:
CONFIG proxy.config.reverse_proxy.enabled INT 1 开启反向代理
CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.remap_required INT 1 开启remap功能
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.http INT 1 开启http缓存功能
CONFIG proxy.config.log.custom_logs_enabled INT 1 设置为1可以看到访问日志access.log
CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_enabled INT 1
CONFIG proxy.config.log.squid_log_is_ascii INT 1】
记住 CONFIG proxy.config.http.server_ports STRING 80 记住这个端口号,就是访问ats的端口
【map return 403,原因我还没找出来】
此时启动ats,看ats的三个进程是否都启动了,如果没有都启动,查看traffic.out或者traffic.diag查看下原因,是端口被占用了还是别的原因。有时候起不来是record.config中这个设置的原因:CONFIG proxy.config.admin.user_id STRING nobody 【需要把nobody改成#-1】,为什么这么改我还不是很清楚,需要大家一起探讨,应该是个权限问题,修改后log目录底下才出现diags.log和manager.log,详细解释间下面的备注。这时候访问wget -e http_proxy=ats机器的ip:port -S ,如果返回的是新浪页面的内容,则证明你的ats通了
备注:官网上对CONFIG proxy.config.admin.user_id配置项的解释:
Scope: | CONFIG |
Type: | STRING |
Default: | nobody |
Option used to specify who to run the traffic_server process as; also used to specify ownership of config and log files.
The nonprivileged user account designated to Traffic Server.
As of version 2.1.1 if the user_id is prefixed with pound character (#) the remaining of the string is considered to be a . If the value is set to #-1 Traffic Server will not change the user during startup.
Setting user_id to root or #0 is now forbidden to increase security. Trying to do so, will cause thetraffic_server fatal failure. However there are two ways to bypass that restriction