remap.config中配置regex_map http://(.*) 不能映射所有请求,如我的请求就不能通过前面的配置完成映射。
我修改配置为map 则可以成功映射我的请求,找出区别map和regex_map的配置有什么不同,细读remap的配置文档上面的说明部分,发现下面标黄的说明,regex_map http://(.*) 中的(.*)只代表host,不含端口号、路径等信息:
【Regex support: Regular expressions can be specified in the rules with the
following limitations:
1) Only the host field can have regexes - the scheme, port and other
fields cannot.
2) The number of capturing sub-patterns is limited to 9;
this means $0 through $9 can be used as substitution place holders ($0
will be the entire input string)
3) The number of substitutions in the expansion string is limited to 10.】
1. remap.config的作用:
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