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2014-12-13 14:21:56

China has traditionally been famous for its fragrant teas, but the country is emerging as a key Asian producer of a different beverage: quality arabica coffee.


Known for its light body and fruity aroma, the coffee from the southwestern province of Yunnan has bee a staple of European arabica blends, say ernational modity traders and roasters.


“The d taste and aroma is siar to the beans from Honduras or Guatemala,” said Wouter DeSmet, head of Nestlé’s coffee agricultural services team in China. 雀巢(Nestlé)在华咖啡农业服务团队主管沃特?德梅(Wouter DeSmet)表示:“那种清淡的口感和芳香与产自洪都拉斯和危地马拉的咖啡豆十分类似。”

An increasing number of Yunnan farmers are turning to coffee, which offers higher returns pared with other crops. In 2012, farmers’ ine from coffee was double that for tea grown on the same acreage, aording to Mr DeSmet.


Nestlé started operations in Yunnan in the late 1980s, offering training and

purchasing coffee from growers. Since 2005, the number of its suppliers has grown from 147 to 2,000.


For the whole Yunnan region, known for its lush hills, 80,000 farmers grow the crop, with many now growing both tea and coffee. The bulk of coffee produced in Asia – mainly in Vietnam and Indonesia – is robusta, the lower quality bean used in instant coffee.


Arabica, mainly used in cappuinos d espressos, was roduced o Yunn by a French missionary in the late 1880s. But coffee duction only took off 100 years later with the investment of the Chinese ernment d the UN velopment me.

咖啡: nssag

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