# Always append ALL so that arch config.mk's can add custom ones
ALL += $(obj)u-boot.srec $(obj)u-boot.bin $(obj)System.map $(U_BOOT_NAND) $(U_BOOT_ONENAND)
all: $(ALL)
$(obj)u-boot.hex: $(obj)u-boot
$(OBJCOPY) ${OBJCFLAGS} -O ihex $< $@
$(obj)u-boot.srec: $(obj)u-boot
$(OBJCOPY) -O srec $< $@
$(obj)u-boot.bin: $(obj)u-boot
$(OBJCOPY) ${OBJCFLAGS} -O binary $< $@
#$(obj)u-boot_nand.bin: $(obj)u-boot.bin //生成u-boot.nand.bin
@cp -f u-boot.bin u-boot_nand.bin
chmod 777 u-boot_nand.bin
#$(obj)u-boot_movi.bin: $(obj)u-boot.bin
# padding to 512k the u-boot.bin
@cat u-boot.bin > u-boot-2x.bin
@cat u-boot.bin >> u-boot-2x.bin //合并2个u-boot.bin为 u-boot-2x.bin
@split -d -a 1 -b 512k u-boot-2x.bin u-boot-512k.bin//从u-boot-2x.bin分离出前512K,实际上= u-boot.bin + BL1,得到u-boot-512k.bin0
# spiliting u-boot for BL1 (8kb)
@split -d -a 2 -b 8k u-boot.bin u-boot-8k.bin //取出BL1,得到u-boot-8k.bin00
# creating empty env space (16kb)
# @dd if=/dev/zero of=empty.env bs=16384 count=1 2> /dev/null //16K空白的env
# merging the bl1 and env with padded 512k binary
# @cat empty.env >> u-boot-512k.bin0 //env追加到u-boot-512k.bin0,这句被屏蔽了,无效
@cat u-boot-8k.bin00 >> u-boot-512k.bin0 //BL1(8k)追加到u-boot-512k.bin0
# renaming and change mode
@mv u-boot-512k.bin0 u-boot_movi.bin //u-boot-512k.bin0改名为u-boot_movi.bin
chmod 777 u-boot_movi.bin
# removing temp files
@rm -f u-boot-8k*
@rm -f u-boot-512k*
@rm -f u-boot-2x*.bin
# @rm -f empty.env
$(obj)u-boot_movi_256K.bin: $(obj)u-boot.bin
# padding to 512k the u-boot.bin
@cat u-boot.bin >> u-boot-2x.bin
@cat u-boot.bin >> u-boot-2x.bin
@split -d -a 1 -b 256k u-boot-2x.bin u-boot-512k.bin
# spiliting u-boot for BL1 (8kb)
@split -d -a 2 -b 8k u-boot.bin u-boot-8k.bin
# creating empty env space (16kb)
# @dd if=/dev/zero of=empty.env bs=16384 count=1 2> /dev/null
# merging the bl1 and env with padded 512k binary
# @cat empty.env >> u-boot-512k.bin0
@cat u-boot-8k.bin00 >> u-boot-512k.bin0
# renaming and change mode
@mv u-boot-512k.bin0 u-boot_movi.bin
chmod 777 u-boot_movi.bin
# removing temp files
@rm -f u-boot-8k*
@rm -f u-boot-512k*
@rm -f u-boot-2x*.bin
# @rm -f empty.env
所以u-boot_movi.bin 的内容实际上为u-boot.bin(512K) + BL1(8K)
对于SD卡,uboot 的布局应该是BL2 + BL1(8K) + res(1K)。BL1的块位置为LAST - 18,按起始扇区从0计数则为totalblk - 18。那么u-boot_movi.bin的BL1前面还有u-boot-512k.bin,共(1024个blk),所以u-boot_movi.bin的块位置应为totalblk - 18 - 1024
对于SDHC卡,uboot 的布局应该是BL2 + BL1(8K) + res(513K)。BL1的块位置为LAST - 1042。按起始扇区从0计数则为totalblk - 1042。u-boot_movi.bin的BL1前面还有u-boot-512k.bin,共(1024个blk),所以u-boot_movi.bin的块位置应为totalblk - 1042 - 1024
首先要知道,/proc/partitions和fdisk -l显示的blocks都是以KBytes为单位的。扇区=blocks*2
input="255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 10443 cylinders, total 167772160 sectors"
output=`echo ${input#*total} | awk '{print $1}'`
echo $output
第二种,使用sed,将total 之前的所有字符替换为空白:
input="255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 10443 cylinders, total 167772160 sectors"
echo $input | sed -e 's/.*total \(.*\) sectors/\1/'
或者使用扩展正则ERE: echo $input | sed -r -e 's/.*total (.*) sectors/\1/'
echo "255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 10443 cylinders, total 167772160 sectors" | sed -r -n 's/.*total (.*) sectors/\1/'p
NUM_OF_TOLAL_SECTORS=`cat /proc/partitions | grep -v $ROOTDRIVE | grep '\\|\' | grep -n '' | grep "${DEVICEDRIVENUMBER}:" | awk '{print $4}'`*2 | bc
注意shell解释器务必选择#!/bin/bash,否则有些命令会报错误,如echo -e, [ ] 等等
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