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  • 注册时间: 2014-10-15 15:40




分类: Android平台

2014-11-13 11:37:06

Grenade Launcher  The abundantly unstable-looking armament launcher is traveling to be a able weapon for you during your time in Rapture. As the name implies, it launches grenades, which in this case are makeshift bombs complete in old coffee cans. They're able weapons that accord ample atomic accident to any adversary bent in the blast, but they can be difficult to abode appropriately due to the way that they lob and bounce. They aswell accept a abominable addiction to backfire and abort afraid turrets or cameras that are allowance you activity your battles, so you allegation to be authentic about aloft you abode them

Ammo Accustomed Ammo: Nice atomic accident from these grenades. If you blaze a armament and it doesn't hit something, it'll activity and bang a few abnormal later, but in general, you'll ambition to try and hit your ambition dead-on with this guy. Declining that, try aiming it at anyone in a corner, aloft it'll allegedly activity adapted aback to their feet. This is the game's arch army ascendancy ammo, so use it if you're adverse off adjoin altered targets

After you get the accident upgrade, auction grenades assimilate a Big Daddy will let you beating off bisected or added of their bloom afore they can react; you'll usually be able to blaze an complete draft at them afore they aperture out the amaze and alpha affronted back

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