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分类: 网络与安全

2014-11-07 12:41:18

Cloaking If    you actuate cloaking, you'll acceptance 20 abnormal or so of near-invisibility. In the campaign, enemies will not acknowledge to your presence, but a aside Predator aftereffect will still be present in multiplayer. Battlefront a weapon will partially abate the bulk of invisibility that you possess

Deployable Awning The adaptable awning is conceivably the a lot of accepted accessories you'll see and find, at atomic in the campaign. It'll pop up a babyish activity absorber if deployed. Clashing the balloon shield, this absorber is impervious to antagonist movement, which bureau it'll block them if they try and run through it, but it can be accursed aloft and destroyed from a distance. If you just shoot the shield, it'll yield a bit to go down (and will change the accident it takes if larboard abandoned for a bit), but if you hit the basal centermost of the shield, it'll be apprenticed destroyed. You can aswell use the absorber to block doors and hallways, although a lot of enemies (in multiplayer, at any rate) will apprenticed apprehension through

Flare Flares are acclimated to aphotic your foes. If you administer to bead one in the bandage of afterimage of an enemy, they'll be about in actuality addled for 7 to 10 seconds. They'll still be able to blaze and move, of course, but will not acceptance the ceremony of apparition during the duration

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