FHS - filesystem hierarchy standard
shareabel - public directory
unshareable - private directory
static - few be changed
variable - often be changed
/dev - device documents
/etc - configuration files
/lib - library
/bin - binary files
/sbin - (system binary) some binary files which be used for root
/boot - boot sector
/home - default work directory
/root - root's work directory
/tmp - temporary
/mnt - mount directory
/srv - service
/opt - optional software
/media - mount media device
/lost+found - for data recovery
/proc - virtual space, the map of memory storage
/sys - virtual space, some info about kernel
/selinux - virtual space, secure enhance linux
/usr: unix software resource
/usr/bin - locate most of user command
/usr/local - software setup directory
/var/log - log directory
/var/run - store PIDs which running service
/var/spool - relative with "queue" concept
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