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分类: IT职场

2014-12-11 17:15:08

  我们要学的第一个习惯用语: get up the nerve里,它就表示“勇气”。
  例句-1:I'm trying to get up the nerve to walk in and tell my boss I want a 20% raise or I'll look for another job where they'll pay me what I'm really worth.
  有时候人们用work代替get,成为work up the nerve。我们再看个例子,说话的人很希望向他所钟情的女孩求婚,但却一直怯于启齿。
  例句-2:I've been going with Susan for three years and I'm crazy about her! For six months I've been trying to work up the nerve to ask her to marry me, but I'm afraid all she'll do is laugh.
  我们再来学个习惯用语: have got a lot of nerve。在这个习惯用语里,nerve不再解释为“神经”或者“勇气”,而是“鲁莽”。
  例句-3:You've really got a lot of nerve telling me I spend too much money! Remember, you are the one who goes up to New York every month and brings back a thousand dollars worth of stuff.
  这儿have got a lot of nerve是用来指责对方厚脸皮,或者太鲁莽的说法,这个习惯用语通常是争论中用的。还有一个习惯用语和这个说法意思一样,而且也常用在争吵的时候。它是: of all the nerve。Of all the nerve和have got a lot of nerve都可以用来说对方太莽撞甚至厚颜无耻。
  例句-4:Of all the nerve! How dare you criticize me for being late in the morning. You're the one who sneak out half an hour early - at least I work a full eight hours every day!
  例句-5:The man murdered his father and mother, but at his trial he had the chutzpah to tell the judge that he shouldn't be sent to prison because his parents were dead and he was an orphan.
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