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2014-09-19 11:43:33

 It's a shame too, because it was a great game in spite of the ref. The defender went down like he was shot, but generally fifa 15 coins ps4 speaking, an cheap fifa 15 coins ps4 attacker who raises his fifa 15 coins ios arms to touch a defender gets the foul fut 15 coins called against him. I'd love to see less diving from defenders, cheap fifa 15 coins ps4 so maybe this is the start of something positive. Or maybe Stott just blew the call. Considering how badly NY has been jobbed on nonsense penalties given to RSL that cost us points (once in 2006, once in 2007), I can't shed any tears. It appeared to me JPA wedged his way to the inside of the defender, and the defender then tripped over his own feet, or perhaps deliberately went down hoping for the call. I think righly this time the ref was not buying, so JPA goal. Once can certainly draw a distiction between the (IMO correct) non call against JPA on that goal vs the (IMO incorrect) non call against Roy Lassiter when he pushed Robin Fraser to the turf in MLS Cup, oh, what was it? 99?

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