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分类: Android平台

2014-12-14 20:32:59

当你进行Code Review的时候,你能很快发现问题吗?你能保证不遗留问题吗?下面是个Check List, 在Code Review结束后看一遍,查漏补缺,有助于吹毛求疵。以前在外企写的,懒得翻译了,大家凑合看吧:

The code review check list

1. Does the task/code for the right project?

2. Does the task created correctly? take care of the Name and Description

3. General Code Smoke Test

    3.1 Pass build, No Error, No warning introduced by new added code

    3.2 Execute as expected

4. Is the code commented? The comments is for reviewer but not for the coder

5. Error Handling

    5.1 Are errors properly handled each time a function returns?

    5.2 Are resources and memory released in all error paths?

    5.3 is the function caller notified when an error is detected?

6. Is allocated memory freed? Even in the error handling path

7. Are all global variables thread-safe?

8. Are locks released in the same order they are obtained?

9. is there any possible deadlock or lock contention?

10. Is there infinite loop?

11. Do recursive functions run within a reasonable amount of stack space?

12. Can the code be optimized?

13. Was the optimization really needed? If it make the code more complex

14. Is the code doing busy waits instead of using synchronization mechanisms or timer events?

15. Are function parameters explicitly verified in the code?

16. Are arrays explicitly checked for out-of-bound indexed?

17. Are variable initialized before they are used?

18. Does a fix made to a function change the behavior of caller functions?

19. Does the bug fix correct all the occurrences of the bug?

20. Is the code doing signed/unsigned conversions? Can sign completion cause problems? Check all unsigned to signed conversions: Can overflow occur?

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