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2015-02-23 14:28:59

The football aphorism accepted as 'triple punishment', which punishes fouls involving a bright goalscoring befalling central the breadth with a red card, a ban and a amends kick, could be about to abide a apathetic reform.

At UEFA's request, the International Football Association Board (IFAB) will agitation modifying commodity 12 of its rules and regulations at its affair in Northern Ireland.

The article, which refers to "obstruction and caitiff behaviour" regulates the "behaviour aces of a sending off", amidst them the alleged 'triple-punishment'.

The amount was already discussed endure year by IFAB, which is fabricated up of the four British federations - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - and four FIFA representatives, usually amidst them its president, Joseph Blatter.

However, to date, football's apple administering physique has not taken any activity because it believes that added allowing punishments for infractions central the breadth could advance to a alternation of "cynical fouls" central the 18-yard box.

The angle presented by UEFA suggests a chicken agenda for fouls which action if players altercate for the brawl central the area, whilst advised fouls, such as shirt tugging or pushing, would still be punished with a red card.

Therefore, referees would accept to adjudge whether the abhorrent was advised or whether it was artlessly two players tussling for the ball.

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