#define __lll_lock(futex, private) \
((void) \
({ \
int *__futex = (futex); \
if (__glibc_unlikely \
(atomic_compare_and_exchange_bool_acq (__futex, 1, 0))) \
{ \
if (__builtin_constant_p (private) && (private) == LLL_PRIVATE) \
__lll_lock_wait_private (__futex); \
else \
__lll_lock_wait (__futex, private); \
} \
#define lll_lock(futex, private) \
__lll_lock (&(futex), private)
/* Atomically store NEWVAL in *MEM if *MEM is equal to OLDVAL.
Return zero if *MEM was changed or non-zero if no exchange happened. */
#ifndef atomic_compare_and_exchange_bool_acq
# ifdef __arch_compare_and_exchange_bool_32_acq
# define atomic_compare_and_exchange_bool_acq(mem, newval, oldval) \
__atomic_bool_bysize (__arch_compare_and_exchange_bool,acq, \
mem, newval, oldval)
# else
# define atomic_compare_and_exchange_bool_acq(mem, newval, oldval) \
({ /* Cannot use __oldval here, because macros later in this file might \
call this macro with __oldval argument. */ \
__typeof (oldval) __atg3_old = (oldval); \
atomic_compare_and_exchange_val_acq (mem, newval, __atg3_old) \
!= __atg3_old; \
# endif
具体的实现先不看了,只看一下注释就明白了。三个参数:mem, newval,oldval;如果oldval 等于*mem,那么设置*mem=newval,并且返回0; 如果*mem的值没有改变,那么就返回非0。 直白一点就是*mem等于oldval就返回0,不等于就返回非0。这也正好对应了posix里面的mutex,如果没有竞争,直接上锁成功,返回0;只有存在竞争的时候,才需要系统调用(futex)。
/* Atomically store NEWVAL in *MEM if *MEM is equal to OLDVAL.
Return the old *MEM value. */
#if !defined atomic_compare_and_exchange_val_acq \
&& defined __arch_compare_and_exchange_val_32_acq
# define atomic_compare_and_exchange_val_acq(mem, newval, oldval) \
__atomic_val_bysize (__arch_compare_and_exchange_val,acq, \
mem, newval, oldval)
如果oldval 等于*mem,那么就更新*mem的内容为newval,否则不更新。无论更新与否,都返回旧的*mem值。
/* Store NEWVALUE in *MEM and return the old value. */
#ifndef atomic_exchange_acq
# define atomic_exchange_acq(mem, newvalue) \
({ __typeof (*(mem)) __atg5_oldval; \
__typeof (mem) __atg5_memp = (mem); \
__typeof (*(mem)) __atg5_value = (newvalue); \
do \
__atg5_oldval = *__atg5_memp; \
while (__builtin_expect \
(atomic_compare_and_exchange_bool_acq (__atg5_memp, __atg5_value, \
__atg5_oldval), 0)); \
__atg5_oldval; })
__lll_lock_wait_private (int *futex)
if (*futex == 2)
lll_futex_wait (futex, 2, LLL_PRIVATE); /* Wait if *futex == 2. */
while (atomic_exchange_acq (futex, 2) != 0)
lll_futex_wait (futex, 2, LLL_PRIVATE); /* Wait if *futex == 2. */
/* This function doesn't get included in libc. */
#if IS_IN (libpthread)
__lll_lock_wait (int *futex, int private)
if (*futex == 2)
lll_futex_wait (futex, 2, private); /* Wait if *futex == 2. */
while (atomic_exchange_acq (futex, 2) != 0)
lll_futex_wait (futex, 2, private); /* Wait if *futex == 2. */
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