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分类: C/C++

2014-12-29 22:30:52


  1. --Example 1
  2. -- First program
  3. -- classic hello program

  4. print("hello)

  5. ----------OutPut-----
  6. hello

  7. --Example 2
  8. --comments
  9. --Single comments in lua start with double hypen

  10. --[[ Multiple line comments start
  11. with double hypen and two square brackets.
  12. and end with two square brackets. ]]

  13. --Single line comments

  14. --And of course this example produce no
  15. --output because of the comments

  16. -----Output------------


  1. -Example 3
  2. --Variables
  3. --Variables hold value which have types,but in lua Variables donot have types
  4. a = 1
  5. b = "abc"
  6. c = {}
  7. d = print

  8. print(type(a))
  9. print(type(b))
  10. print(type(c))
  11. print(type(d))

  12. ---------Output-------
  13. number
  14. string
  15. table
  16. function

  17. --Example 4
  18. --Variables names consist of letters, digits and underscores
  19. --They connot start with a digit

  20. one_two_3 = 123 -- is a valid varable name

  21. -- 1_one_two is not valid varable name

  22. ------Output------


  1. --Example 5
  2. --More Variable names
  3. --The underscore is typically used to start special values
  4. --like _VERSION in lua

  5. print(_VERSION)

  6. --So donot use variable that start with _
  7. --but a single underscore _ is often used as a
  8. --dummy variable

  9. -------------Output------

  10. Lua 5.1

  11. --Example 6
  12. --Case Sensitive
  13. --Lua is case Sensitive so all variable name & keywords
  14. --must be correct case

  15. ab = 1
  16. Ab = 2
  17. AB = 3
  18. print(ab, Ab, AB)

  19. ------------Output---------
  20. 1 2 3


  1. -Example 7
  2. --keywords
  3. --Lua reserved words are:
  4. -- and, break, do, else, elseif,
  5. -- end, false, for, function, if,
  6. -- in, local, nil, not, or, repeat,
  7. -- return, then, true, until, while.

  8. --keywords connot be used for variable names
  9. -- 'and' is a keyword, but And is not, so it can be a varable name

  10. And = 3
  11. print(And)

  12. ------------Output----------

  13. 3

  14. --Example 8
  15. --Strings

  16. a = "single 'quoted' string and double \"quoted\" string inside"
  17. b = 'single \'quoted\' string and double "quoted" string inside'
  18. c = [[ multiple line
  19. with 'single'
  20. and "double" quoted strings inside.]]

  21. print(a)
  22. print(b)
  23. print(c)

  24. -----------Output-------------

  25. single 'quoted' string and double "quoted" string inside
  26. single 'quoted' string and double "quoted" string inside
  27. multiple line
  28. with 'single'
  29. and "double" quoted strings inside.


  1. --Example 9
  2. --Assigments
  3. --Multiple Assigments are valid
  4. -- var1, var2 = var3, var4

  5. a, b, c, d, e =1, 2, "three", "four", 5

  6. print(a, b, c, d, e)

  7. -----------Output--------------

  8. 1 2 three four 5

  9. --Example 10
  10. --More Assigments allows one line to swap two variables.
  11. a = 1
  12. b = 2
  13. print(a, b)
  14. a, b = b, a
  15. print(a, b)

  16. ------------Output---------------

  17. 1 2
  18. 2 1


  1. --Example 11
  2. --numbers
  3. --Multiple Assigments showing different number formats.
  4. --Two dots<..> are used to concatenate string or a string and a number

  5. a, b, c, d, e = 1, 1.123, 1E9, -123, .000
  6. print("a="..a, "b="..b, "c="..c, "d="..d, "e="..e)

  7. ---------------Output-------------

  8. a=1 b=1.123 c=10000000 d=-123 e=0.000

  9. --Example 12
  10. --More Output
  11. --More writing output

  12. print "hello for Lua!"
  13. print ("hello for Lua!")

  14. ----------------Output--------------
  15. hello for
  16. hello for

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