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2014-09-04 15:56:15

You've got dogfighting that's more about  aesthetic value than hard sci fi realism. You've got sweeping orchestral scores, deep lore that fleshes out an entire universe in excruciating detail, and a couple of well loved auteurs who took extended breaks from the medium that made them famous before returning when they deemed technology advanced enough to realize the full extent of their magnum opus. Oh, and let's not forget the fact that Episode I is basically the most expensive indie film in history. Yeah, it was distributed and marketed by Fox, but it was produced in its entirety via George Lucas' personal fortune. That sounds an awful lot like Star Citizen, which is the most expensive indie game in history and which is entirely produced via the collective fortune of its hardcore fanbase.

Anakin and I guess that's Greedo? The point I'm slowly getting around to making is that I, as a recovering Star Wars addict, have lived through a Star Citizen style hype cycle before. And I'd like to think that I learned something as a result. Surely Star Citizen is going to be profitable, and there's a very good chance that it's going to turn out to be a swell game, but let's pretend for the sake of argument that it doesn't. Let's pretend that it ends up sucking, and that Chris Roberts ends up surrounded by a cadre of Lucasian yes men who never challenge terribad ideas and who never summon the intestinal fortitude to do what was necessary to make something on par with A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back Wing Commander and Privateer. What's a heavily invested fan to do at that point? Battle droidsThe sensible thing would be to move along. But MMO players don't often do that, including me on occasion.

If and when MMO players do move along, it's typically less than graceful. There are dramatic I quit posts, lengthy letters to the devs, and plenty of emails to the Massively tipline suggesting foul play, illegalities, "failure, " and the like. See, we're all sort of gluttons for punishment after a fashion, due mainly to the amount of time that's commonly invested into titles of this type. Collectively, we put up with repetitive gameplay that fans of others genres do not, and while some people no doubt enjoy the MMO grind, some people suffer through it because they keep hoping that a dev outfit will prove that Ultima Online and Star Wars: Galaxies were not flukes but rather  carefully considered maximizations of the MMO artform.


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