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分类: IT职场

2014-09-01 13:04:03

Take for instance the same gender romance  arc that was a topic we covered two years ago. As I did in the last nuna bites segment, I'd like to take a moment to discuss some of the smaller bits of news that you may have missed. At the same time, I would also like to weigh in on the same gender romance arc subject because it is important, and I would like others to feel comfortable about expressing their personal viewpoints on the subject too. Gay in TORWhat is my take on gay or lesbian relationships in Star Wars? I was asked this question on Google+. I hoped that it was an honest question and not an attempt to get me to say something stupid or to turn people off to what I have to say. I'm an optimist, so I took it as an honest question.

So I gave an honest answer: To each his own. From a story perspective, I don't think it adds nor takes away from the narrative. It's Star Wars; it's more disturbing to me to think about two Hutts getting it on than two guys. If you're talking about Star Wars: The Old Republic, specifically: Yeah, I'm disappointed that there will be no same gender romance options. At the same time, I don't believe that it's this game's fight. Maybe when the country has stopped thinking that homosexuality is all about sex and come to realize that it's about the relationship between two people, then SWTOR will be able to do some rewrites. My perspective may be a bit skewed because the issue doesn't affect me directly. However, it does affect a few of my friends, and since those friends are also roleplayers, the idea of an NPC romance is much less intriguing than a romance with a player character.

And I have to agree: It's much more exciting to engage in a story based romance with a player controlling the actions of the other character than basing the outcome on some mathematical formula. D20 Base Damage + Agility Encumbrance*Weapon Bonus > 13 = smooch. PvP PlanetOn a totally different subject, the developers announced that the level 50 planet of Ilum is a PvP planet. Admittedly, I am not a strong PvPer, mostly because I play healers, tanks, and pet classes. I'm usually either the first one dead in PvP or the one people ignored. However, I may actually have something to do on this PvP planet. In the presentation on Sunday, designer of everything Gabe Amatangelo explained that factions will fight for territory control including base defense oh! and manned turrets! The  last Star Wars MMO failed miserably with player controlled turrets.


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