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  • 注册时间: 2014-05-12 10:46





分类: IT职场

2014-08-28 11:19:34

Part of this is Braham's willingness to  correct her behavior, and in turn, Taimi's desire to be liked and protected by Braham. In other words, he's allowed to be the adult. Taimi, like many little kids who have tested authority and found it lacking, obviously finds some comfort in having a stable person nearby who sets appropriate boundaries for her and allows her to be a child. Braham is protective, and so Taimi gets to be vulnerable. It's a very sweet relationship in the making. This release is packed to the brim with interesting dialogue try standing near Braham and Taimi and see how long it takes you to hear everything they have to say, and I'm going to save discussion of the A Study In Scarlet chapter until season one of the living world is over.

I don't want to spoil anything. I will say that this release has done an excellent job of filling in details and providing depth, which sounds simple but in practice makes all the difference. When characters bring up and discuss the same details that players might, it automatically enriches both them and the setting and makes it less frustrating to have new questions raised. The audience is assured that the story is taking these things into account, that the characters are three dimensional enough to worry about the wider implications for their world, and that the plot is less likely to gloss over characterization and worldbuilding to make something work that shouldn't. This builds trust between the writers and the audience, and that has done amazing things for the living world story.

We've been promised or is it threatened? that all hell will break loose in the next release. For the moment, I'm enjoying the relative peace and quiet and general feelings of goodwill. Despite my earlier worries, it's heartening to hear other players saying that this is one of their favorite releases and to see them having fun. Take advantage of it while it lasts because by the time this column goes to press, we should have some more information on the next chapter. You can go ahead and imagine me chortling menacingly here, not only because you can't hear me over the internet but because I have a sore throat and can't chortle. Are you enjoying Edge of the Mists? What are your spoileriffic theories for the next release? Do you wish you had your very own Scruffy, and has anyone got a throat  lozenge? Let us know in the comments, and I'll see you in the Mists!

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