Mercury beneficiation flow chart and enrichment plant
The raw mercury ore has been crushed to liberate mercury granules from the impurities. The crushed ore will be screened to be +20mm and -20mm. The +20mm will go for the smelting furance directly while the -20mm mercury will be sent to the beneficiation factory for further upgrading.
A roller crusher and a vibration screen forms a closed circle for the -20mm mercury ore. Then the screened 0.2-10mm cinnabar will go for jig separator for upgrading while the -0.2mm will go for shaking table for further concentration. The tailings from jig and shaking table will be milled by ball mill following with floatation separation. The mercury powder from floatation separation will be put into the furance after dewatering together with concentrate from jigger and shaking table.
This flow sheet helps to realize a high recovery and reduces waste of resource. Here Gongyi Forui Machinery Factory has been in mining beneficiation for over 25 years and we can supply trial test for you free if samples can be available.
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