4 3
2 2 1
2 3 2
1 7 1
4 6 2
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #define MAX 10000
- int getmaxValue(int input[][3], int count, int time){
- if(input == NULL ) return 0;
- int i = 0;
- int choiceCount = 1;
- //value, time, fruit count restrict
- int choice[MAX][3] = {{0,time,0}};
- int maxValue = 0;
- for(;i<count;i++){
- int t = 0;
- int tmax = choiceCount;
- for(;t<tmax;t++){
- //pick the tree[i]
- if(choice[t][2]<input[i][0] && choice[t][1] - input[i][2]>=0){
- choice[choiceCount][0] = choice[t][0]+ input[i][1];
- choice[choiceCount][1] = choice[t][1] - input[i][2];
- choice[choiceCount][2] = input[i][0];
- maxValue = choice[choiceCount][0]>maxValue?choice[choiceCount][0] : maxValue;
- choiceCount++;
- }
- }
- }
- return maxValue;
- }
- int main(){
- //fruit count/value/time cost
- int input[][3] = {{2,8,1},{2,3,2},{1,7,1}, {4,6,2}};
- int count = 4;
- int time = 3;
- printf("%d \n", getmaxValue(input, count, time));
- }
- use strict;
- #tree infomation . 1st element means apples amount, 2nd means values, 3rd means time cost
- my @data =
- (2, 8, 1,
- 2,3,2,
- 1,7,1,
- 4,6,2);
- #tree amount
- my $trees = 4;
- #time restriction
- my $hours = 3;
- #use to store the max values picked
- my $rvalues = 0;
- #use to store the tree no picked
- my @rtr;
- #read tree values by index
- sub Read{
- my $i = shift;
- #return mount, value, and cost;
- return $data[$i*3], $data[$i*3+1],$data[$i*3+2];
- }
- sub f{
- my ($index) = @_[3];
- for($index..$trees-1){
- my($tvalue, $trestrict, $tlhours, undef, @tresult) = @_;
- my ($amount,$value, $cost) = Read($_);
- #push the tree into result if the apple amount larger than picked trees.
- if($amount>$trestrict){
- $tvalue += $value;
- $trestrict = $amount;
- $tlhours = $tlhours - $cost;
- if($tlhours>=0){
- push(@tresult, $_);
- # print "pick apple from tree $_ \n Now the result is @tresult \n";
- }
- else{
- next;
- }
- if($tvalue >$rvalues){
- $rvalues = $tvalue;
- @rtr = @tresult;
- }
- f($tvalue,$trestrict,$tlhours, $_+1, @tresult);
- }
- }
- }
- my @t;
- f(0,0,$hours,0,@t);
- print "$rvalues: @rtr\n";
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