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分类: Android平台

2014-06-10 09:01:05

These two factors - player emotion and improved AI - combine in a number of ways. AI players now have different mood states that affect how they react after heavy tackles, missed shots or glaring errors of judgement. So, if it’s early on in match and you leather a shot over the bar instead of passing you might receive encouragement in the form of a brief cutaway to teammates applauding your attacking spirit.

However, try a similarly greedy play late in the game when you’re 1-0 down and have a player open in the box and those same teammates will be far less impressed and may be pictured giving you a verbal dressing down or a disgusted shake of the head. While this is restricted to animations and won’t affect how the AI actually plays it does highlight a more important but subtle improvement in the form of the AI’s understanding of context. This not only happens at match level but also in the grander scheme of how you’re doing in the league or cup competition.

This is feeds into other areas too, with each individual AI player having short, medium and long-term goals based on whether you’re winning or losing. Where the teammate AI is currently concerned with keeping possession, in FIFA 15 it will attempt to beat a defender or look for a telling pass and if you’re winning it’ll even hang back with the ball to snatch a few seconds through time-wasting.
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