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分类: 嵌入式

2014-02-17 15:21:08

原文地址:DM365的UBL源码分析 作者:galaxylancer

       DM365是的启动方式有两种,通过BOOTSEL[2:0]引脚决定。当其为001时,直接从AEMIF上启动,比如NOR和OneNAND。除此之外 皆是从RBL启动,顺序为RBL-UBL-UBOOT-KERNEL,比如NAND,串口,SD卡等。RBL会搜寻block1到block24去找 UBL,关于RBL启动的详细细节可以参考用户指南关于ARM子系统的那篇文档,很详尽,下面只分析UBL的源码。
      入门代码是汇编文件start.S,主要是切换操作模式,建立堆栈等,然后跳转到main函数,进入到board_utilities/flash_utils/Common/ubl/src目录下的C文件 ubl.c中。main函数如下:

// Main entry point

void main(void)
    // Call to real boot function code

    // Jump to entry point

    DEBUG_printString("\r\nJumping to entry point at ");
    APPEntry = (void (*)(void)) gEntryPoint;    

        U-boot一般存在于DEVICE_NAND_UBL_SEARCH_START_BLOCK以后块的第0页,ubl试着从 DEVICE_NAND_UBL_SEARCH_START_BLOCK块向后搜索每块的第0页,找到后,前24个字节分别记录着u-boot描述,如入 口函数等

//DM36x/CCS/NANDWriter/src/nandwriter.c   nandwriter()函数中

// Fill in NandBoot header,rxBuf为刚搜到的页
  gNandBoot.entryPoint = *(((Uint32 *)(&rxBuf[4])));/* The first "long" is entry point for Application ,u-boot主程序将从这里开始执行*/
  gNandBoot.numPage = *(((Uint32 *)(&rxBuf[8]))); /* The second "long" is the number of pages ,代码总页数,有多少数据要载入到DDR*/
  gNandBoot.block = *(((Uint32 *)(&rxBuf[12]))); /* The third "long" is the block where Application is stored in NAND */ = *(((Uint32 *)(&rxBuf[16]))); /* The fourth "long" is the page number where Application is stored in NAND */
  gNandBoot.ldAddress = *(((Uint32 *)(&rxBuf[20]))); /* The fifth "long" is the Application load address ,一般情况,程序放在这个地址开始加载*/



static Uint32 LOCAL_boot(void)
    DEVICE_BootMode bootMode;
    // Read boot mode

    bootMode = DEVICE_bootMode();

    if (bootMode == DEVICE_BOOTMODE_UART)
        // Wait until the RBL is done using the UART.
        while((UART0->LSR & 0x40) == 0 );
    // Platform Initialization

    if ( DEVICE_init() != E_PASS )        /*
        DEBUG_printString(" initialization failed!\r\n");
        asm(" MOV PC, #0");
        DEBUG_printString(" initialization passed!\r\n");
    // Set RAM pointer to beginning of RAM space

    UTIL_setCurrMemPtr(0);        /*
    // Send some information to host

    DEBUG_printString("TI UBL Version: ");
    DEBUG_printString("\r\nBooting Catalog Boot Loader\r\nBootMode = ");
    // Select Boot Mode

#if defined(UBL_NAND)
        //Report Bootmode to host

        // Copy binary image application from NAND to RAM
//NANDBOOT_copy()首先打开 NandFlash设备,将NandFlash的硬件信息放在hNandInfo数据结构内。移植ubl时 需要修改与hNandInfo数据结构相关的参数,比如EMIF地址(EMIFStart  = 0x02000000 在ubl.cmd;) DEVICE_NAND_CHIP_infoTable结构中的页大小、块数、块中的页数、...
        if (NANDBOOT_copy() != E_PASS)     
            DEBUG_printString("NAND Boot failed.\r\n");
#elif defined(UBL_NOR)
        //Report Bootmode to host

        DEBUG_printString("NOR \r\n");
        // Copy binary application image from NOR to RAM

        if (NORBOOT_copy() != E_PASS)
            DEBUG_printString("NOR Boot failed.\r\n");
#elif defined(UBL_SD_MMC)
        //Report Bootmode to host

        DEBUG_printString("SD/MMC \r\n");
        // Copy binary of application image from SD/MMC card to RAM

        if (SDMMCBOOT_copy() != E_PASS)
            DEBUG_printString("SD/MMC Boot failed.\r\n");
        //Report Bootmode to host

    DEBUG_printString(" DONE");

    return E_PASS;

      先通过调用DEVICE_bootMode函数来判断启动方式(通过读取SYS寄存器实现),而后调用了DEVICE_init函数来进行平台的最底层初 始化,包括电源域,时钟,DDR,EMIF,UART,I2C,TIMER等。

      而后通过UTIL_setCurrMemPtr函数对全局变量currMemPtr赋值,以后用到。接着通过判断不同的引导方式,采取不同的处理办法,以 NAND启动为例,将调用NANDBOOT_copy函数。此函数将NAND中的某些内容(就是UBOOT)搬移到RAM中,而后 UBL结束,控制权正式交给UBOOT。


Uint32 DEVICE_init()
    Uint32 status = E_PASS;
    // Mask all interrupts
    AINTC->INTCTL = 0x4;
    AINTC->EABASE = 0x0;
    AINTC->EINT0 = 0x0;
    AINTC->EINT1 = 0x0;        
    // Clear all interrupts
    // System PSC setup - enable all
   DEVICE_pinmuxControl(0,0xFFFFFFFF,0x00FD0000); // All Video Inputs,Y0-Y7全部作为video in(不作为GPIO),GIO43作为SD1的clk,McBsp开启,MMCSD0关闭

   DEVICE_pinmuxControl(1,0xFFFFFFFF,0x00145555); // All Video Outputs,视频Cout0-Cout7作为色度信号输出使能,场消隐/行消隐同步信号使能,LCD的OE功能关闭

   DEVICE_pinmuxControl(2,0xFFFFFFFF,0x000000DA); // EMIFA,总线使能,但是CE0没有使能,0xDA可能在合众达板子上运行有问题,因为他将ce0设置成GPIO,这样nandflash失效了,我想 可能是TI原版有个cpld,在合众达的测试程序,值为0x55。

   DEVICE_pinmuxControl(3,0xFFFFFFFF,0x00180000); // SPI0, SPI1, UART1, I2C, SD0, SD1, McBSP0, CLKOUTs,串口1使能,其他均作为GPIO,网卡没使能

   DEVICE_pinmuxControl(4,0xFFFFFFFF,0x55555555); //SI1-SPI4使能,MMCSD1 使能

    GPIO->DIR02 &= 0xfeffffff;
    GPIO->CLRDATA02 = 0x01000000;
    // System PLL setup
    if (status == E_PASS) status |= DEVICE_PLL1Init(PLL1_Mult);
    // DDR PLL setup
    if (status == E_PASS) status |= DEVICE_PLL2Init();
    // DDR2 module setup
    if (status == E_PASS) status |= DEVICE_DDR2Init();
    // AEMIF Setup
    if (status == E_PASS) status |= DEVICE_EMIFInit();
    // UART0 Setup
    if (status == E_PASS) status |= DEVICE_UART0Init();
    // TIMER0 Setup
    if (status == E_PASS) status |= DEVICE_TIMER0Init();
    // I2C0 Setup
    if (status == E_PASS) status |= DEVICE_I2C0Init();
    return status;

      首先屏蔽和清除中断,然后调用DEVICE_PSCInit函数实现对各模块的电源时钟使能,实质是调用PSC电源时钟管理模块的寄存器实现,函数内容如 下:

void DEVICE_PSCInit()
    unsigned char i=0;
    unsigned char lpsc_start;
    unsigned char lpsc_end,lpscgroup,lpscmin,lpscmax;
    unsigned int PdNum = 0;
    lpscmin =0;
    lpscmax =2;
    for(lpscgroup=lpscmin ; lpscgroup <=lpscmax; lpscgroup++) {
            lpsc_start = 0; // Enabling LPSC 3 to 28 SCR first

            lpsc_end = 28;
        else if (lpscgroup == 1) { /* Skip locked LPSCs [29-37] */
            lpsc_start = 38;
            lpsc_end = 47;
        } else {
            lpsc_start = 50;
            lpsc_end = 51;
        //NEXT=0x3, Enable LPSC's
        for(i=lpsc_start; i<=lpsc_end; i++) {
            PSC->MDCTL[i] |= 0x3;
        //Program goctl to start transition sequence for LPSCs
        PSC->PTCMD = (1<<PdNum);
        //Wait for GOSTAT = NO TRANSITION from PSC for Pdomain 0
        while(! (((PSC->PTSTAT >> PdNum) & 0x00000001) == 0));
        //Wait for MODSTAT = ENABLE from LPSC's
        for(i=lpsc_start; i<=lpsc_end; i++) {
            while(!((PSC->MDSTAT[i] & 0x0000001F) == 0x3));             


      接着调用DM36x/common/src/device.c下的DEVICE_PLL1Init函数实现了PLL1的配置,预分频,倍频,后分频,分频到各个模块,其设置顺序可以参看用户指南ARM子系统文 档,有详细的介绍,PLL2类似,函数内容如下:

Uint32 DEVICE_PLL1Init(Uint32 PLLMult)
    unsigned int CLKSRC=0x0;             
    unsigned int j;
    /*Power up the PLL*/
    PLL1->PLLCTL &= 0xFFFFFFFD;        
    PLL1->PLLCTL &= 0xFFFFFEFF;             
    PLL1->PLLCTL |= CLKSRC<<8;
    /*Set PLLENSRC '0', PLL Enable(PLLEN) selection is controlled through MMR*/
    PLL1->PLLCTL &= 0xFFFFFFDF;    
    /*Set PLLEN=0 => PLL BYPASS MODE*/
    // PLLRST=1(reset assert)
    PLL1->PLLCTL |= 0x00000008; 
    /*Bring PLL out of Reset*/
    //Program the Multiper and Pre-Divider for PLL1
    PLL1->PLLM = 0x51; // VCO will 24*2M/N+1 = 486Mhz

    PLL1->PREDIV = 0x8000|0x7;
    PLL1->SECCTL = 0x00470000; // Assert TENABLE = 1, TENABLEDIV = 1, TINITZ = 1 
    PLL1->SECCTL = 0x00460000; // Assert TENABLE = 1, TENABLEDIV = 1, TINITZ = 0 
    PLL1->SECCTL = 0x00400000; // Assert TENABLE = 0, TENABLEDIV = 0, TINITZ = 0 
    PLL1->SECCTL = 0x00410000; // Assert TENABLE = 0, TENABLEDIV = 0, TINITZ = 1    
    //Program the PostDiv for PLL1
    PLL1->POSTDIV = 0x8000;
    // Post divider setting for PLL1     
    PLL1->PLLDIV2 = 0x8001;
    PLL1->PLLDIV3 = 0x8001; // POST DIV 486/2 -> MJCP/HDVICP
    PLL1->PLLDIV4 = 0x8003; // POST DIV 486/4 -> EDMA/EDMA CFG
    PLL1->PLLDIV5 = 0x8001; // POST DIV 486/2 -> VPSS
    PLL1->PLLDIV6 = 0x8011; // 27Mhz POST DIV 486/18 -> VENC
    PLL1->PLLDIV7 = 0x8000; // POST DIV 486/2 -> DDR
    PLL1->PLLDIV8 = 0x8003; // POST DIV 486/4 -> MMC0/SD0
    PLL1->PLLDIV9 = 0x8001; // POST DIV 486/2 -> CLKOUT

    /*Set the GOSET bit */
    PLL1->PLLCMD = 0x00000001; // Go

    /*Wait for PLL to LOCK */
    while(! (((SYSTEM->PLL0_CONFIG) & 0x07000000) == 0x07000000));    
    /*Enable the PLL Bit of PLLCTL*/
    PLL1->PLLCTL |= 0x00000001; // PLLEN=0
    return E_PASS;

Uint32 DEVICE_PLL2Init()


// Post divider setting for PLL2 
     PLL2->PLLDIV2 = 0x8001; // 594/2 =297 Mhz -> ARM 
     PLL2->PLLDIV4 = 0x801C; // POST DIV 594/29 = 20.48 -> VOICE
     PLL2->PLLDIV5 = 0x8007;



      继续在DEVICE_init函数中,下面是调用DEVICE_DDR2Init函数来配置DDR控制器,这是UBL中重要的一部分,如果硬件电路需要更 换内存芯片的话,需要在UBL中修改这个函数,即按照芯片手册来配置DDR控制寄存器中的相关参数,比如时序,BANK数,页大小等。这个函数主要是操作 SYS模块和DDR模块的相关寄存器来配置内存,函数中调用的DEVICE_LPSCTransition函数用来实现模块的电源时钟状态的改变,函数内 容如下:

Uint32 DEVICE_DDR2Init()
    // Set bit CLRZ (bit 13)
    SYSTEM->VTPIOCR = (SYSTEM->VTPIOCR) | 0x00002000;
    // Check VTP READY Status
    while( !(SYSTEM->VTPIOCR & 0x8000));
    // Set bit VTP_IOPWRDWN bit 14 for DDR input buffers)
    //SYSTEM->VTPIOCR = SYSTEM->VTPIOCR | 0x00004000; 

    // Set bit LOCK(bit7) and PWRSAVE (bit8)
    // Powerdown VTP as it is locked (bit 6)
    // Set bit VTP_IOPWRDWN bit 14 for DDR input buffers)
    // Wait for calibration to complete 
    UTIL_waitLoop( 150 );
    // Set the DDR2 to synreset, then enable it again
    DDR->DDRPHYCR = 0x000000C5;   
    DDR->SDBCR = 0x08D34832;        //Program SDRAM Bank Config Register
    DDR->SDBCR = 0x0853C832;    
    DDR->SDTIMR =0x3C934B51;        //Program SDRAM Timing Control Register1
    DDR->SDTIMR2 =0x4221C72;        //Program SDRAM Timing Control Register2
    DDR->PBBPR = 0x000000FE;   
    DDR->SDBCR = 0x08534832;        //Program SDRAM Bank Config Register   
    DDR->SDRCR = 0x00000768;        //Program SDRAM Refresh Control Register
    return E_PASS;

void DEVICE_LPSCTransition(Uint8 module, Uint8 domain, Uint8 state)
    // Wait for any outstanding transition to complete
    while ( (PSC->PTSTAT) & (0x00000001 << domain) );
    // If we are already in that state, just return
    if (((PSC->MDSTAT[module]) & 0x1F) == state) return;
    // Perform transition
    PSC->MDCTL[module] = ((PSC->MDCTL[module]) & (0xFFFFFFE0)) | (state);
    PSC->PTCMD |= (0x00000001 << domain);
    // Wait for transition to complete
    while ( (PSC->PTSTAT) & (0x00000001 << domain) );
    // Wait and verify the state
    while (((PSC->MDSTAT[module]) & 0x1F) != state);    

      而后调用DEVICE_EMIFInit函数来配置EMIF模块,这个模块用来接外存,比如NAND,NOR等。DM365有两个片选空间,如果某一空间 配置成NAND,则需要在寄存器中设置,其函数内容如下:

Uint32 DEVICE_EMIFInit()
    AEMIF->AWCCR = 0xff;   
    AEMIF->A1CR = 0x40400204;  
    AEMIF->NANDFCR |= 1;  
    AEMIF->A2CR = 0x00a00505;
    return E_PASS;   

      而后调用DEVICE_UART0Init函数来配置串口0,调用DEVICE_TIMER0Init函数来配置TIMER0,调用 DEVICE_I2C0Init函数来配置I2C控制器,都是操作某一模块的控制寄存器实现,具体如何设置可以参考相关模块的手册,这三个函数的内容如 下:

Uint32 DEVICE_UART0Init()
    UART0->PWREMU_MGNT = 0; // Reset UART TX & RX components

    UTIL_waitLoop( 100 );
    UART0->MDR = 0x0;
    UART0->DLL = 0xd; // Set baud rate    
    UART0->DLH = 0;
    UART0->FCR = 0x0007; // Clear UART TX & RX FIFOs
    UART0->FCR = 0x0000; // Non-FIFO mode
    UART0->IER = 0x0007; // Enable interrupts

    UART0->LCR = 0x0003; // 8-bit words
    // 1 STOP bit generated,
    // No Parity, No Stick paritiy,
    // No Break control
    UART0->MCR = 0x0000; // RTS & CTS disabled,
    // Loopback mode disabled,
    // Autoflow disabled
    UART0->PWREMU_MGNT = 0xE001; // Enable TX & RX componenets
    return E_PASS;

Uint32 DEVICE_I2C0Init()
    I2C0->ICMDR = 0; // Reset I2C
    I2C0->ICPSC = 26; // Config prescaler for 27MHz
    I2C0->ICCLKL = 20; // Config clk LOW for 20kHz
    I2C0->ICCLKH = 20; // Config clk HIGH for 20kHz
    I2C0->ICMDR |= I2C_ICMDR_IRS; // Release I2C from reset
    return E_PASS;

Uint32 DEVICE_TIMER0Init()
    // Put timer into reset
    TIMER0->EMUMGT_CLKSPD = 0x00000003;
    TIMER0->TCR = 0x00000000;
    // Enable TINT0, TINT1 interrupt
    TIMER0->INTCTL_STAT = 0x00000001;
    // Set to 64-bit GP Timer mode, enable TIMER12 & TIMER34
    TIMER0->TGCR = 0x00000003;
    // Reset timers to zero 
    TIMER0->TIM12 = 0x00000000;
    TIMER0->TIM34 = 0x00000000;
    // Set timer period (5 second timeout = (24000000 * 5) cycles = 0x07270E00) 
    TIMER0->PRD34 = 0x00000000;
    TIMER0->PRD12 = 0x07270E00;
    return E_PASS;


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