先定义问题,设字符串1为模式字符串(pattern string),字符串2为待搜索的目标字符串,比如字符串1=“USA”, 字符串2="I've never been in USA :("。我们的目的就是要在字符串2中找是否有字符串1出现,在给定的特定case中显然是true。那我们要想怎么找呢,最笨的办法就是蛮力搜素字符串1,从字符串2的第一个字符开始一轮一轮的与字符串进行比较,发现匹配则返回true,程序结束;发现不匹配则返回false,然后指针后移一位重新比较直到找到为止;这种方法时间复杂度为O(MxN),M为字符串1的长度,N为字符串2的长度,效率较低。
让我们换个思路,利用散列帮助我们提高效率。散列的基本思想是:把一个目标对象进行某种转换(借助某个散列函数),得到一个数字(hash value),将得到的数字作为index存入散列表中(一般是array或者vector,访问的时间复杂度为O(1))。举个例子,把字符串“USA”的三个字符转换成int型然后相加,得到233,这个233就可以是一个hash value,然后存入一个数组中(假设数组大小是1000)。看到这你可能会有个问题,要是有个很长的字符串"UUUUUSSSSSAAAA",那把它的所有字符加起来会得到一个比较大的值,这个值肯定会超出1000的范围,那怎么办?很简单,把这个值除以1000取余就可以了呗,但这么做就会发生冲突,比如会有两个不同的字符串都对应同样的hash value的情况。好吧,那又不得不提几个冲突处理的办法,最常用的是分离链接法,也就是把散列表的成员定义为链表,发生冲突时就对链表进行一次push_back 操作,C++中的定义形式为vector
好吧,稍微扯远了点,让我们回到字符串匹配这个问题上,针对这个问题,我们不需要多复杂的散列函数操作,仅把一个字符串的所有成员字符相加得到一个整数值作为hash value即可,代码如下,
for (size_t index = 0; index < patternStringLength; index++)
hashValue += theString[index];
这样我们可以先计算好"USA"的hash value,定义一个变量hashValueModeString来存储这个值,然后进行查找。在待查找的字符串中("I've never been in USA :("),我们先计算出前三个字符的和sum,然后和“USA”的hash value进行比较,如果不相等,则更新sum的值(即在待查找字符串中后移一位重新计算sum),这里有一个技巧,更新sum时只需要加待查找字符串的下一个字符(假设该字符的位置为pos),再减去位置为pos-模式字符串长度的字符的值即可,代码如下:
sum += strForSearch[pos];
sum -= strForSearch[pos-patternStringLength];
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool compare(char *p1, char *p2, size_t size)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (*p1 != * p2)
return false;
return true;
#define hash(value) value
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
char str1[] = "USA"; // pattern string
char str2[] = "I've never been in USA :("; // string to be searched using the pattern string
size_t length1 = strlen(str1);
size_t length2 = strlen(str2);
cout << "Pattern string is " << "\"" << str1 << "\"" << endl;
cout << "to be searched in string " << "\"" << str2 << "\"" << endl;
if (length1 > length2)
cout << "pattern string was not found" << endl;
return 0;
int sum = 0;
// calculate pattern string's hash value
for (size_t index = 0; index < length1; index++)
sum += str1[index];
int hashValueModeString = hash(sum);
cout << "hash value is " << hashValueModeString << endl;
sum = 0;
for (size_t index = 0; index < length1; index++)
sum += str2[index];
bool isFound = false;
size_t index = 0;
for (; index < length2 - length1; index++)
if (hashValueModeString == hash(sum))
// do compare
if (compare(&str2[index], str1, length1))
cout << "Pattern string has been found, which starts from position " << index << endl;
isFound = true;
sum -= str2[index];
sum += str2[index+length1];
sum -= str2[index];
sum += str2[index+length1];
if (!isFound && compare(&str2[index], str1, length1))
cout << "Pattern string has been found, which starts from position " << index << endl;
isFound = true;
if (!isFound)
cout << "pattern string was not found" << endl;
cout << "Note: the index is 0 based!" << endl;
return 0;
Pattern string is "USA"
to be searched in string "I've never been in USA :("
hash value is 233 // for pattern string
Pattern string has been found, which starts from position 19
Note: the index is 0 based!
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