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traveling in cumputer science!!







分类: C/C++

2016-02-20 17:27:31

int arrIn[] = {36,34,67,44,8,6,9,45,87}
36 [ ], 34, 67, 44, 8, 6, 9, 45, 87
36 [ 9], 34, 67, 44, 8, 6, [ ], 45, 87
36 [ 9], 34, [ ], 44, 8, 6, [ 67], 45, 87
36 [ 9], 34, [6 ], 44, 8, [ ], [ 67], 45, 87
36 [ 9], 34, [6 ], [ ], 8, [ 44], [ 67], 45, 87
36 [ 9], 34, [6 ], [8 ], [ ], [ 44], [ 67], 45, 87

9 ,34 ,6 ,8 ,3644 ,67 ,45 ,87
8 ,6 ,9 ,34

6 8 ,9 ,34
6 ,8 ,9 ,34 ,36 ,44 ,45 ,67 ,87



  1. #ifndef _CPPSTACK_H_
  2. #define _CPPSTACK_H_
  3. /****** include *******/
  4. #include <iostream>
  5. #include <stdio.h>
  6. /****** define *********/
  7. /****** variable ********/
  8. struct Item
  9. {
  10.     int data;
  11.     Item* p_next;
  12. };

  13. class CPPStack
  14. {
  15. public:
  16.     CPPStack();
  17.     CPPStack(const CPPStack & otherStack);//constructor reset
  18.     CPPStack operator = (const CPPStack & otherStack);//'=' reset
  19.     void push(int x);//in stack
  20.     bool pop(int &x);//out stack
  21.     bool isEmpty();
  22.     void clearStack();
  23.     int sizeStack();
  24.     void printStack();
  25.     ~CPPStack();
  26. public:
  27.     Item* p_top;//stack top
  28. };
  29. /****** function *******/
  30. #endif // _CPPSTACK_H_


  1. /*****************************
  2. filename: CPPStack.cpp
  3. description: realize stack operate in CPP
  4.                 like, stack struct; push; pop; isEmpty; clear;
  5.                 size; print
  6. author: warrior
  7. date:2016-1-31
  8. log:
  9. *****************************/

  10. /****** include *******/
  11. #include "CPPStack.h"
  12. using namespace std;
  13. /****** define *********/
  14. /****** variable ********/
  15. /****** function *******/
  16. /****************
  17. description: stack operate class constructor
  18. input:
  19.     none
  20. output:
  21.     none
  22. ****************/
  23. CPPStack::CPPStack()
  24. {
  25.     p_top = NULL;
  26. }
  27. CPPStack::CPPStack(const CPPStack & otherStack)
  28. {
  29.     *this = otherStack;
  30. }

  31. /****************
  32. description: reset operator '=' for stack
  33. input:
  34.     const CPPStack otherStack : the right value of '='
  35. output:
  36.     CPPStack
  37. ****************/
  38. CPPStack CPPStack::operator=(const CPPStack & otherStack)
  39. {
  40.     CPPStack temporaryStack;
  41.     Item* copyElement = otherStack.p_top;

  42.     while(copyElement)
  43.     {
  44.         temporaryStack.push(copyElement->data);
  45.         copyElement = copyElement->p_next;
  46.     }

  47.     copyElement = temporaryStack.p_top;

  48.     while(copyElement)
  49.     {
  50.         this->push(copyElement->data);
  51.         copyElement = copyElement->p_next;
  52.     }
  53.     return *this;
  54. }

  55. /****************
  56. description: insert one element into stack
  57. input:
  58.     const int x : the value to be insert into stack
  59. output:
  60.     none
  61. ****************/
  62. void CPPStack::push(const int x)
  63. {
  64.     Item *temporaryElement;
  65.     temporaryElement = new Item;
  66.     temporaryElement->data = x;
  67.     if(this->p_top != NULL)
  68.     {
  69.         temporaryElement->p_next = this->p_top;
  70.         this->p_top = temporaryElement;
  71.     }
  72.     else
  73.     {
  74.         this->p_top = temporaryElement;
  75.         this->p_top->p_next = NULL;
  76.     }
  77.     printf("push stack data: %d \n", temporaryElement->data);
  78. }
  79. /****************
  80. description: get one element from stack
  81. input:
  82.     const int & x : storage the value get from stack into x
  83. output:
  84.     ture:success
  85.     false:error
  86. ****************/
  87. bool CPPStack::pop(int &x)
  88. {
  89.     if(this->p_top != NULL)
  90.     {

  91.         x = this->p_top->data;
  92.         this->p_top = this->p_top->p_next;
  93.         printf("pop stack data: %d \n", x);
  94.         return true;
  95.     }
  96.     else
  97.     {
  98.         return false;
  99.     }
  100. }
  101. /****************
  102. description: judge whether stack empty
  103. input:
  104.     none
  105. output:
  106.     ture:not empty
  107.     false:empty
  108. ****************/
  109. bool CPPStack::isEmpty()
  110. {
  111.     if(this->p_top != NULL)
  112.     {return true;}
  113.     else
  114.     {return false;}
  115. }
  116. /****************
  117. description: clear all element of stack
  118. input:
  119.     none
  120. output:
  121.     none
  122. ****************/
  123. void CPPStack::clearStack()
  124. {
  125.     Item* tempElement;
  126.     while(this->p_top)
  127.     {
  128.         tempElement = this->p_top;
  129.         this->p_top = this->p_top->p_next;
  130.         delete tempElement;
  131.     }
  132. }
  133. /****************
  134. description: test the size of stack
  135. input:
  136.     none
  137. output:
  138.     int lenght
  139. ****************/
  140. int CPPStack::sizeStack()
  141. {
  142.     int counter = 0;
  143.     Item* tempElement;
  144.     tempElement = this->p_top;
  145.     while(tempElement)
  146.     {
  147.         counter++;
  148.         tempElement = tempElement->p_next;
  149.     }
  150.     return counter;
  151. }
  152. /****************
  153. description: print all elements of stack
  154. input:
  155.     none
  156. output:
  157.     none
  158. ****************/
  159. void CPPStack::printStack()
  160. {
  161.     Item* tempElement = this->p_top;
  162.     while(tempElement)
  163.     {
  164.         printf(" %d\n",tempElement->data);
  165.         tempElement = tempElement->p_next;
  166.     }
  167. }

  168. CPPStack::~CPPStack()
  169. {
  170.     Item* tempElement;
  171.     while(this->p_top)
  172.     {
  173.         tempElement = this->p_top;
  174.         this->p_top = this->p_top->p_next;
  175.         delete tempElement;
  176.     }
  177. }



  1. /*****************************
  2. filename: quickSort.cpp
  3. description: permutation a list of integers in O(1) and no recursion
  4. author: warrior
  5. date:2016-1-30
  6. log:
  7. *****************************/

  8. /****** include *******/
  9. #include "quickSort.h"
  10. #include "CPPStack.h"
  11. using namespace std;
  12. /****** define *********/
  13. /****** variable ********/

  14. /****** function *******/
  15. /****************
  16. description: permutation a list of integers in O(1) and no recursion
  17. input:
  18.     int* arrIN : the in put interger array
  19.     int arrLength : length of array "arrIN"
  20. output:
  21.     0:run error
  22.     1:run success
  23. ****************/
  24. bool quickSort(int* arrIN, int arrLength)
  25. {
  26.     int supportElement;
  27.     int emptySign = 0;
  28.     int lowRecord = 0;
  29.     int highRecord = 0;
  30.     int temp;
  31.     int lowSign = 0;
  32.     int highSign = arrLength-1;
  33.     CPPStack quickSortStack;
  34.     if(arrIN==NULL)
  35.     {return 0;}

  36.     quickSortStack.push(arrLength-1);
  37.     quickSortStack.push(0);

  38.     while(quickSortStack.isEmpty())
  39.     {
  40.         quickSortStack.pop(lowSign);
  41.         quickSortStack.pop(highSign);

  42.         lowRecord = lowSign;
  43.         highRecord = highSign;
  44.         emptySign = lowSign;
  45.         supportElement = arrIN[emptySign];

  46.         if(highSign-lowSign>1)
  47.         {
  48.             while(lowSign<highSign)
  49.             {
  50.                 //search from high
  51.                 while((lowSign<highSign) && (supportElement<=arrIN[highSign]))
  52.                 {
  53.                     highSign--;
  54.                     //printf(", %d\n", highSign);
  55.                 }
  56.                 if(lowSign<highSign)
  57.                 {
  58.                     arrIN[emptySign] = arrIN[highSign];
  59.                     emptySign = highSign;
  60.                 }
  61.                 //search from low
  62.                 while((lowSign<highSign) && (supportElement>=arrIN[lowSign]))
  63.                 {
  64.                     lowSign++;
  65.                     //printf(", %d\n", lowSign);
  66.                 }
  67.                 if(lowSign<highSign)
  68.                 {
  69.                     arrIN[emptySign] = arrIN[lowSign];
  70.                     emptySign = lowSign;
  71.                 }
  72.             }
  73.             arrIN[emptySign] = supportElement;
  74.             printf("the sorting line:\n");
  75.             for(int i = 0; i<arrLength; i++)
  76.             {
  77.                 printf(", %d", arrIN[i]);
  78.             }
  79.             printf("\n");
  80.             //push high
  81.             quickSortStack.push(highRecord);
  82.             if(lowSign == highRecord)
  83.                 quickSortStack.push(lowSign);
  84.             else
  85.                 quickSortStack.push(lowSign+1);
  86.             //push low
  87.             if(lowSign == lowRecord)
  88.                 quickSortStack.push(lowSign);
  89.             else
  90.                 quickSortStack.push(lowSign-1);
  91.             quickSortStack.push(lowRecord);

  92.         }
  93.         else
  94.         {
  95.             if(arrIN[lowSign]>arrIN[highSign])
  96.             {
  97.                 temp = arrIN[highSign];
  98.                 arrIN[highSign] = arrIN[lowSign];
  99.                 arrIN[lowSign] = temp;
  100.             }
  101.         }
  102.     }
  103.     printf("the sorted line:\n");
  104.     for(int i = 0; i<arrLength; i++)
  105.     {
  106.         printf(", %d", arrIN[i]);
  107.     }
  108.     printf("\n");
  109. }


  1. #ifndef _QUICKSORT_H_
  2. #define _QUICKSORT_H_
  3. /****** include *******/
  4. #include <iostream>
  5. #include <stdio.h>
  6. /****** define *********/
  7. /****** variable ********/

  8. /****** function *******/
  9. bool quickSort(int* arrIN, int arrLength);
  10. #endif // _QUICKSORT_H_


  1. #include "CPPStack.h"
  2. #include "quickSort.h"

  3. using namespace std;

  4. int main()
  5. {
  6.     int arrIn[] = {36,34,67,44,8,6,9,45,87};
  7.     quickSort(arrIn, sizeof(arrIn)/sizeof(int));

  8.     return 0;
  9. }

(1)遇到“segmentation fault”错误,段错误,经过查资料,知道是指针误操作导致,错误原因:程序中指针没有初始化就进行相应操作
(2)压栈操作压入数据异常,此处也属于指针操作错误,指针操作前应先初始化,C++ 用new关键字, C里面用malloc函数
            int *p = new int(10);
            delete p;
            void *malloc(long NumBytes)
            char *charList = (char *)malloc(100 * sizeof(char));

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