1. file open:
fd = open(N1,N2):N1:path of the file to be open like '/home/warrior/Downloads/test.txt'
N2:some choiceable parameter
'r':read only 'w':write only 'r+':read and write 'a':write and will add content at the end of file
2. file read:
content = fd.read():read all content of the file
oneline = fd.readline():read one line content of the file
lastContent = fd.readlines():read the content from current vernier to the end of the file
3. file write:
fd.write(content):when opening in 'w' it will write content cover the original content
when opening in 'a' it will write content add at the end of the file but not start one new line again
fd.writelines(content): when opening in 'w' it will write content cover the original content
when opening in 'a' it will write content add at the end of the file and start one new line again
4. file close:
fd.close():when open one file must close it as you will not use it .
5. file others:
fd.seek(number):set the vernier of the file
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