1install git:
in my ubuntu "sudo apt-get install git"
2git command:
Generate git repository
git init : initial a git repository
Add file into git repository
git add file:
git commit -m "explain content"
Check the state of repository
git status
Check the change of file
git diff
Check the change log
git log
Change version
git reset --hard commit_id
help command:
git log :check the commit log
git reflog :check the command log
1)when you change file but not add and commit you can use below command to repeal change
git checkout -- file
2)when you change file and add but not commit you can use below two steps to repeal change
git reset HEAD file
git checkout -- file
3)When you change file and use add commit ,you can only use below command
git reset --hard commit_id
Delete file
1)when you delete file only in your work area
rm file
and can be repeal
git checkout -- file
2)when you delete file in work area and repository
rm file
git rm file
git commit -m "remove file"
and can be repeal
git reset --hard commit_id
Relevance a repository on github
git remote add origin git@server-name:path/repo-name.git
Clone an repository from github to local host
git clone add origin git@server-name:path/repo-name.git
Push change to distance repository
1)at first time
git push -u origin master
2)not first time
git push origin master
1)check branch
git branch
2)create branch
git branch branch_name
3)switch branch
git checkout branch_name
4)create and switch branch
git checkout -b branch_name
5)merge other branch to current branch
git merge other_branch_name
6)delete branch
git branch -d branch_name
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