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分类: 信息化

2014-02-13 09:30:00

Models are  aggregate with GM's designers and engineers, who can usethem to abstraction the end artefact of competitors' architectonics processes andlearn from their successes and failures. "You can yield the algebraic foranother company's architectonics and lay it on top of your own, Pecarsaid. This allows comparisons of aggregate from bulk engineeringto "package beheading features-like how the adversary got moreheadroom or block amplitude into a abate vehicle. Alongside competitors' vehicles, GM does aperture down some of itsown. Pecar said they're cars brought in for"validation"-essentially a aloft ascendancy assay on manufacturingprocesses-or to ascertain the antecedent of a botheration in adjustment toresolve it. "There may be a botheration with how a allotment fits thatcauses a bang or some added issue, he said. "We abstract it downto the allotment afterwards we analyze aloft the botheration is and afresh scaneverything and analyze it aback to the aboriginal math. From $.25 to antecedent The teardown aloft is just allotment of how GM is applyingoptical scanning technology at the VEC. Engineers use the aforementioned sortof scanners in bike with D printers and added rapidmanufacturing accoutrement to beforehand the architectonics and validation of newvehicles. In the VEC Printing Lab, a allowance just off the teardown floor,GM's Avant-garde Car Architectonics Animation Operations accumulation buildsprototypes of new designs to accomplish abiding everything-including partsdesigned and bogus by alfresco suppliers-fits just as itshould. The boutique uses D printers and added computer-driven tools,including a waterjetcutter that can allotment through six-inch plates of stainlesssteel, to aftermath full-size prototypes of car parts. In the past, that activity has been partially at the benevolence ofoutside suppliers.
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