Eclipse 中js不支持中文的处理!
Properties Editor
1、Please choose from the screen of Eclipse with "Help" ->"Software Updates" -> "Update Manager". An 'Update Manager' opens.
2、In the "Feature Updates" view at the lower left of an 'Update Manager', please carry out the right click of the "Sites to Visit", and create a site bookmark by "New" -> "Site Bookmark...".
- The bookmark to create should input the following "URL" and should push an "Finish" button.
Name: Arbitrary input
Bookmark type: Eclipse update site
3、If a site bookmark is created, the bookmark created at the bottom of "Feature Updates" will appear.
A click of " x.x.x" displays a preview on a right window. Since the button "Install Now" is in around the lower right, please click.
4、Since an installation wizard starts, please click a "Next" button rapidly.
5、"You will need to restart the workbench for the changes to take effect. Would you like to restart now?" is displayed. Please reboot Eclipse according to a dialog.
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