"D:\AStyle\bin\AStyle.exe" --mode=c --indent=tab --style=ansi -S -N -L -m0 --suffix=.pre %f
在Souce Insight中添加,第一个图是添加命令-> add -> 输入命令名称比如Astyle_Code ,然后点击Keys...进入快捷键设置的页面
Indent a C or C++ source file (this is the default). 默认就是C或者C++,不用刻意指定;
--indent=tab OR --indent=tab=# OR -t OR -t# 缩进使用TAB,或者-t也可以,默认是4个空格对齐
Indent using tab characters, assuming that each
indent is # spaces long. Not specifying # will result
in a default assumption of 4 spaces per indent.
Bracket Style Options: 括号格式
--style=allman OR --style=ansi OR --style=bsd
OR --style=break OR -A1
Allman style formatting/indenting.
Broken brackets.
--style=linux OR --style=knf OR -A8
Linux style formatting/indenting.
Linux brackets, minimum conditional indent is one-half indent.
Indentation Options:
--indent-classes OR -C
Indent 'class' blocks so that the entire block is indented.
--indent-modifiers OR -xG
Indent 'class' access modifiers, 'public:', 'protected:' or
'private:', one half indent. The rest of the class is not
--indent-switches OR -S
Indent 'switch' blocks, so that the inner 'case XXX:'
headers are indented in relation to the switch block.
--indent-namespaces OR -N
Indent the contents of namespace blocks.
--indent-labels OR -L
Indent labels so that they appear one indent less than
the current indentation level, rather than being
flushed completely to the left (which is the default).
--suffix=#### 指定备份原始文件的后缀
Append the suffix #### instead of '.orig' to original filename.
--suffix=none OR -n 也可以不进行备份
Do not retain a backup of the l file.origina
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