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2013-12-02 10:58:52

①重庆日报报业集团授权华龙在互联网上使用,发布,交流集团14报已发布的新闻和信息。本未经授权不得转载,摘编或利用其它方式使用重庆日报报业集团任何作品。本已经授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明“来源:华龙网”或“来源:华龙网 - 重庆XX”。违反上述声明的,本网将追究其相关法律责任。
① Chongqing Daily Newspaper Group authorized Hualong on the Internet use, publish, exchange group 14 reported a published news and information. Ben without authorization shall not be reproduced excerpts or use other means to use any work Chongqing Daily Newspaper Group. Ben has been authorized to use the work, should be used within the scope of authorization, and marked "Source: DragonSoft" or "Source: DragonSoft - Chongqing XX". Those who violate the above statement, Ben Wang will pursue its legal responsibilities.
② where Ben Wang marked "Source: DragonSoft" works, the Department self-editing by the webmaster, copyright Hualong. Ben without authorization shall not be reproduced excerpts or use other ways. Ben has been authorized to use the work, should be used within the scope of authorization, and marked "Source: DragonSoft." Those who violate the above statement, Ben Wang will pursue its legal responsibilities.
attached: Chongqing Daily Newspaper Group 14 reported a Journal: Chongqing Daily, Chongqing Evening News Daily Times letter Chongqing Chongqing Morning Post newspaper reported healthy people to apply for a new female Legal News Three Gorges in Chongqing Wuling Metropolis Metropolis Metropolis Bayu Yuzhou Service Habitat Weekly Herald reported today Chongqing urban heat
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