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2013-11-16 13:45:36

怪兽出击结束! 过去几周DOFUS一直被AI顽强的功能紊乱所困扰,而你们大家都耐心的等待着我们发现解决问题,在此谢谢大家的理解。作为回馈,我们安排了一个双倍XP和双倍物品掉落周末。 我们解决的AI问题不仅顽固,而且深藏不漏。实际上, 导致问题的罪魁祸首是在2.16更新发布之前我们进行的两个AI修改,但此前并没有任何征兆。更糟糕的是,这个问题只出现在人口最密集的服务器。谢天谢地, 结合使用日志和测试, 我们最终设法识别出错原因并修复!游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。时间安排: 从11月22日星期五18点(游戏时间)---11月25日星期一9点钟(游戏时间), 经验将翻倍。从11月29日星期五18点(游戏时间)---12月2日星期一9点钟(游戏时间),物品掉落率将翻倍。怪兽在不该出手的时候出手,挑战你的神经?那就利用双倍的XP和掉落几率好好的给它们点颜色瞧瞧!

原文 End of the monsters' strike! DOFUS suffered from a tenacious AI dysfunction these past few weeks, but you kept patient and understanding as we were looking for the cause of this issue and now we want to thank you. So, we have planned a double XP week-end and a double drop week-end! The problem with the AI that we finally managed to fix was not only tenacious, but extremely well hidden as well. In fact, it was the consequence of two AI modifications that were made way before the 2.16 update, but it never manifested itself before. And, just to complicate things, the issue only occurred on the most populated servers. Thankfully, using a combination of logs and tests, we eventually managed to identify the pernicious cause and fix it! Here's the schedule: Experience will be doubled from Friday November 22 at 18 o'clock (game time) to Monday November 25 at 9 o'clock (game time). Drop rates will be doubled from Friday November 29 at 18 o'clock (game time) to Monday December 2 at 9 o'clock (game time). Monsters got on your nerves by not playing their turns as they should have? Give them a taste of their own medicine by XPing and droping twice as much off their defeat! Once again, thank you for your patience,, and have a great game!

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