双向循环链表功能强大,本文件是双向循环链表的实现函数,包括链表创建,删除,清空,获取链表长度, 获取链表结点,删除链表结点,适用于任意类型的数据结点,链表逆序操作在双向循环链表中的意义和作用不大,故不用实现,使用时传入数据结点指针,及其他参数即可
file DbCircleList.h
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typedef void DbCircleList;
typedef void DbCircleListNode;
extern DbCircleList* DbCircleList_Create();
extern void DbCircleList_Destroy(DbCircleList* list);
extern void DbCircleList_Clear(DbCircleList* list);
extern int DbCircleList_Length(DbCircleList* list);
extern int DbCircleList_Insert(DbCircleList* list, DbCircleListNode* node, int pos);
extern DbCircleListNode* DbCircleList_Get(DbCircleList* list, int pos);
extern DbCircleListNode* DbCircleList_Delete(DbCircleList* list, int pos);
extern void DbCircleList_Reverse(DbCircleList* list);
file DbCircleList.c
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* 文件名 : DbCircleList.c
* 文件说明 :本文件是双向循环链表的实现函数,包括链表创建,删除,清空,获取链表长度,
* 获取链表结点,删除链表结点,适用于任意类型的数据结点,链表逆序操作在双
* 向循环链表中的意义和作用不大,故不用实现,使用时传入数据结点指针,及其
* 他参数即可
#include "DbCircleList.h"
#define DEBUG
typedef struct _tag_TDbCircleListNode TDbCircleListNode;
struct _tag_TDbCircleListNode
unsigned int addr; //数据结点地址保存区
TDbCircleListNode* prior; //链表指针
TDbCircleListNode* next; //链表指针
typedef struct _tag_TDbCircleList
int length; //链表长度
TDbCircleListNode* header; //链表头指针
* 函数原型:DbCircleList* DbCircleList_Create()
* 函数说明:创建循环链表
* 参数说明:输入参数:无
* 输出参数:无
* 返回值:DbCircleList* 循环链表指针
DbCircleList* DbCircleList_Create()
TDbCircleList* ret = (TDbCircleList*)malloc(sizeof(TDbCircleList));
#ifdef DEBUG
if(ret != NULL)
ret->length = 0; //循环链表长度初始化
ret->header = NULL; //循环链表头结点指针初始化
#ifdef DEBUG
(ret == NULL) ? printf(" Failed.\n") : printf(" Successful.\n");
return (DbCircleList*)ret; //返回循环链表指针
* 函数原型:void DbCircleList_Destroy(DbCircleList* list)
* 函数说明:删除循环链表
* 参数说明:输入参数:DbCircleList* list 循环链表指针
* 输出参数:无
* 返回值:无
void DbCircleList_Destroy(DbCircleList* list)
#ifdef DEBUG
DbCircleList_Clear(list); //清空循环链表
free((TDbCircleList*)list); //释放头结点空间
list = NULL; //清空链表指针
#ifdef DEBUG
* 函数原型:void DbCircleList_Clear(DbCircleList* list)
* 函数说明:循环链表清空
* 参数说明:输入参数:DbCircleList* list 循环链表指针
* 输出参数:无
* 返回值:无
void DbCircleList_Clear(DbCircleList* list)
TDbCircleList* sList = (TDbCircleList*)list;
#ifdef DEBUG
if(sList != NULL && sList->header != NULL)
while(sList->header != sList->header->next)
TDbCircleListNode* pNode = sList->header;
sList->header->prior->next = pNode->next;
sList->header->next->prior = pNode->prior;
sList->header = sList->header->next;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Clear Node %d .\n", pNode->addr);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Clear Header Node %d .\n", sList->header->addr);
sList->header = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
* 函数原型:int DbCircleList_Length(DbCircleList* list)
* 函数说明:获取单链表长度
* 参数说明:输入参数:DbCircleList* list 循环链表指针
* 输出参数:无
* 返回值:获取失败返回-1
* 获取成功返回非负数(单链表当前长度)
int DbCircleList_Length(DbCircleList* list)
int ret = -1;
TDbCircleList* sList = (TDbCircleList*)list;
#ifdef DEBUG
if(sList != NULL)
ret = sList->length;
#ifdef DEBUG
(ret == -1) ? printf(" list is NULL.\n") : printf(" %d\n", ret);
return ret;
* 函数原型:int DbCircleList_Insert(DbCircleList* list, DbCircleListNode* node, int pos)
* 函数说明:向循环链表中插入结点
* 参数说明:输入参数:DbCircleList* list 循环链表指针
* DbCircleListNode* node 待插入链表数据地址
* int pos 插入位置,从0开始
* 输出参数:无
* 返回值:获取失败返回假(0)
* 获取成功返回真(1)
int DbCircleList_Insert(DbCircleList* list, DbCircleListNode* node, int pos)
TDbCircleList* sList = (TDbCircleList*)list;
int ret = (sList != NULL) && (node != NULL); //检查链表
#ifdef DEBUG
TDbCircleListNode* pNew = (TDbCircleListNode*)malloc(sizeof(TDbCircleListNode));
if(pNew != NULL)
pNew->addr = (unsigned int)node;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("Insert Node data %d ", pNew->addr);
if(sList->header == NULL)
pNew->next = pNew;
pNew->prior = pNew;
sList->header = pNew;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" In Header Node\n");
int index = (pos >= 0) ? (1) : (-1);
int halfLength = (sList->length + 1) / 2;
pos = index * pos;
pos = pos % (sList->length + 1);
pos = (pos < halfLength) ? (pos) : (-(sList->length - pos));
pos = index * pos;
if(pos == 0)
pNew->next = sList->header;
sList->header->prior->next = pNew;
pNew->prior = sList->header->prior;
sList->header->prior = pNew;
sList->header = pNew;
TDbCircleListNode* current = sList->header;
if(pos > 0)
for(index = 0; index < pos; index ++)
current = current->next;
for(index = -1; index > pos; index --)
current = current->prior;
pNew->next = current->prior->next;
current->prior->next = pNew;
pNew->prior = current->prior;
current->prior = pNew;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" In %d Node\n", pos);
ret = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
if(ret == 0)
printf(" Failed.\n");
return ret;
* 函数原型:DbCircleListNode* DbCircleList_Get(DbCircleList* list, int pos)
* 函数说明:获取链表中编号为pos的数据
* 参数说明:输入参数:DbCircleList* list 循环链表指针
* int pos 获取编号,从0开始
* 输出参数:无
* 返回值:DbCircleListNode* 链表数据地址,为空表示获取失败
DbCircleListNode* DbCircleList_Get(DbCircleList* list, int pos)
TDbCircleList* sList = (TDbCircleList*)list;
DbCircleListNode* ret = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
if( (sList != NULL) && (0 <= pos) )
int index = (pos >= 0) ? (1) : (-1);
int halfLength = (sList->length + 1) / 2;
TDbCircleListNode* current = sList->header;
pos = index * pos;
pos = pos % (sList->length + 1);
pos = (pos < halfLength) ? (pos) : (-(sList->length - pos));
pos = index * pos;
if(pos >= 0)
for(index = 0; index < pos; index ++)
current = current->next;
for(index = -1; index > pos; index --)
current = current->prior;
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" From %d Node", pos);
ret = (DbCircleListNode*)(current->addr);
#ifdef DEBUG
(ret == NULL) ? printf(" Failed.\n") : printf(" %d .\n", (int)ret);
return ret;
* 函数原型:DbCircleListNode* DbCircleList_Delete(DbCircleList* list, int pos)
* 函数说明:删除链表中编号为pos的数据,并将其返回
* 参数说明:输入参数:DbCircleList* list 循环链表指针
* int pos 获取编号,从0开始
* 输出参数:无
* 返回值:DbCircleListNode* 链表数据地址,为空表示删除失败
DbCircleListNode* DbCircleList_Delete(DbCircleList* list, int pos)
TDbCircleList* sList = (TDbCircleList*)list;
DbCircleListNode* ret = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
if( (sList != NULL) && (0 <= pos) )
int index = (pos >= 0) ? (1) : (-1);
int halfLength = (sList->length + 1) / 2;
TDbCircleListNode* current = sList->header;
pos = index * pos;
pos = pos % (sList->length + 1);
pos = (pos < halfLength) ? (pos) : (-(sList->length - pos));
pos = index * pos;
if(pos >= 0)
for(index = 0; index < pos; index ++)
current = current->next;
for(index = -1; index > pos; index --)
current = current->prior;
ret = (DbCircleListNode*)(current->addr);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(" From %d Node", pos);
if(pos == 0)
sList->header = sList->header->next;
current->prior->next = current->next;
current->next->prior = current->prior;
if(sList->length == 0)
sList->header = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
(ret == NULL) ? printf(" Failed.\n") : printf(" %d .\n", (int)ret);
return ret;
file main.c
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#include "DbCircleList.h"
#define TEST_NUM 10
char Test_Data[10] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int index = 0;
DbCircleList* list = DbCircleList_Create();
printf(" Length Before Insert = %d\n", DbCircleList_Length(list));
for(index = 0; index < TEST_NUM - 2; index ++)
DbCircleList_Insert(list, Test_Data+index, 0);
printf(" Length After Insert and Before Clear = %d\n", DbCircleList_Length(list));
printf(" Length After Clear and Before Insert again = %d\n", DbCircleList_Length(list));
for(index = 0; index < TEST_NUM; index ++)
DbCircleList_Insert(list, Test_Data+index, -7);
printf(" Length After Insert again and Before Delete = %d\n", DbCircleList_Length(list));
for(index = 0; index < DbCircleList_Length(list); index ++)
printf("%c\n", *(char *)DbCircleList_Get(list, index));
for(index = 0; index < TEST_NUM/2; index ++)
printf("%c\n", *(char *)DbCircleList_Delete(list, 0));
printf("After Delete:\n");
for(index = 0; index < DbCircleList_Length(list); index ++)
printf("%c\n", *(char *)DbCircleList_Get(list, index));
printf("Test Complete.\nPlease Input a char to Quit :");
Test_Data[0] = getchar();
return 0;
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