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2014-01-28 20:39:37
Emperor in the sky didn't open mouth again, the center of palm quickly appeared one to grow about one meter or so deicide knife, the body sends forth dazzling golden light, this is the absolute being machine that he knows that the fairyland puts out a fairy, the deicide knife has already come to a the degree of first grade absolute being machine, Wang Long responds from the deicide knife a strong Wei presses feeling, till this time, emperor in the sky also no longer hides part of something.The sky is silent emperor to play the deicide knife in the hand slightly, the vision is soft and matchless, imitate Buddha's that deicide knife in the hand general like the lover.Led in a short while, he still kept lowering the head, the eye hopes to begin medium deicide knife, imitates a Buddha to soliloquize generally and in a soft voice says:"I advertised for to fight fairyland in those early years, whole was to lean against this deicide knife, had already been a lot of years of have never used, unexpectatively now again re- send last use ……" Wang Long didn't interrupt for a sky, the words of emperor, he ambiguously detected another meanings of emperor words in the sky, the momentary unexpectedly also had to realize.Complete from the language, emperor title in the sky looking at Wang Longs and in a soft voice says:"Wang Long, I accept with this deicide knife today, ax!"Wang Long suddenly smiled, that smiling face seemed to be earnestness nature, it is any spirit to float however don't take the least bit the human life, " emperor in the sky, ax already at!"The eye pupil of emperor in the sky suddenly constringency, his corner of mouth floats on putting on to smile an idea, eyes stare at Wang Long, and the light tone ground asks a way:"Where?"Momentary, 2 people's smiling face imitated a Buddha to blend, unexpectedly could not distinguished actually is a whose smiling face, all is that so an elegance, all is that so a dust ……" is in the heart of the emperor in sky!"The Wang Long light tone ground answers.Wang Long temporarily still doesn't think so quick use dish thou ax.In a flash, the double eye Mi of emperor in the sky became a line, the light tone ground said a sentence:"Good!"Good word of lingering sound still return to round in the unreal, emperor body form onrush in sky, the deicide knife in the hand once lets Wang Long's body form, unexpectedly toward Wang Long after death the place of three Chinese feet one knife split.The knife body sends forth a dazzling gold color ray of light, shine on the whole unreal as if the daytime sort is bright.Wang Long Shen's form is quiet like sacred mountain, hands suddenly chest ex- match ten, such as the old monk sit quietly and meditate generally static motionless.The deicide knife crossed Wang Long's body, but as living to come over from have to work properly to feel, round a curved degree that is full of pleasant impression to conform to the reason of world nature, split toward Wang Long's vest.But his body is completely aroused by deicide knife, show more naturally flowing freely, as if the bird flying fish visit, Hun however without blemish ……this knife seem to be ingenious and incomparable.But Wang Long didn't turn head and sent forth all over matchless and dazzling many colors absolute being light, match ten hands to still keep canning not hold still, needing the knife body will soon and body, suddenly stretch out as the lightning flash ground all alone, finger stretch and shrink variety, finally become a knife, coincidentally press in the knife ridge of deicide knife.Bo of a lightly ring, the mentally dense absolute being Yi dint from point the knife crosses swords of place book, but have Ning but don't spread, straightly to two Human body side the meteorite arouse to shoot but.That vigorously flows as if absolute being the soldier sharp knife,
at meteorite on quietly brush past, obscure.The nike air max cheap meteorite immediately satisfiedly changes into Li powder in succession.Wang Long and emperor 2 people's bodies in sky are all tiny tiny one Zhan, fly to back to the both sides at the same time.Wang Long drops into meteorite on, silent immobility.But the body form of emperor in the sky fly in a piece of huge meteorite that the Shan arrived unreal and leave Wang Long Zu to have thousand meters far distance.Once two talented persons cross swords, the but again returned to original place, the vision mutually saw, all not from get tiny tiny a smile."Emperor in the sky, you my capability mutually and about, if put together to die one Dou, but don't know when clear.Not if so, I stand here and protect a body under of meteorite, if you can offend to come over, I hurt!But if you can not offend meteorite in one Zhu joss-stick, you then hurt and hurt allow to win treatment, how do you think?"Listen to Wang Long's words, emperor in the sky suddenly looks up at sky long smile, full is blunt in the laughter heroism in the sky.He slowly location nod, "Wang Long's this argument is quite good, do I dare not to receive orders?"Once the words sound fall, he sees at random exceed an one step to the unreal of front, but is also this see at will of one step, the body form of emperor in the sky unexpectedly and suddenly disappears and reappear of have already arrived at Wang Long of before the body, the deicide knife slowly stretches out and splits to Wang Long by extremely slow-moving speed.That speed that action, the strength seems to be stagnate, in each penny, each a wonderful all is slowly splitting by same action.Suddenly the Wang Long heart livings a kind of peculiar felling, this felling, at count he once accepted as well recently, that his opponent was that and oneself about equal of Man in.Have been thinking for a sky, the artistic skill of emperor not equal to he or she, but at present on seeing, just know two Human body hands but at the brothers ……the amazement in heart is returned to amazement, but Wang Long remain facial expression equanimity such as often.The right hand,such as lightning flash, stretches out, is as as different as chalk and cheese as the action of the emperor in sky.But is stretching to count a Chinese foot before the body outside of, the but again brings up with a round turn, the center of palm of hand outside puts, the finger tip mutually matches and solidify in the half to get empty in.The deicide knife of emperor in the sky remains slowly split, while Wang Long's right hand form is like bird Zhuo, also is more stagnate than half to get empty.Deicide knife one inch inch the ground approach, while Wang Long's right hand remain such as stone Zhu, absolutely still.The eye sees deicide edge of knife blade have already approached Wang Long's finger, listen to a sky, emperor one drinks low, speed suddenly speed, but turn sacred mountain in the in a moment knife, the Pu sky splits to cut.Is that inch remaining distance, the deicide knife suddenly livings an uncanny variety and makes people impossible to effectively guard against.But Wang Long the slightest have no the least bit nervous, once the corner of mouth put on light smiling face to start to float, the finger flips, in the middle of covering with a knife shadow, in the space of that inch remaining uncanny variety, listen to the voice of the Mao Bo of a burst of tediousness ring out, the body form of emperor in the sky suddenly fall back and drop into meteorite under.Facial expression deadly pale, the chest rises and falls continuously,
full is an astonished color in emperor eyes moncler outlet uk in the sky, looking at Wang Long.Wang Long the condition at this time compare emperor in the sky but also very not how much, same of the deadly pale is like paper, but body form still such as the sacred mountain generally stand on the meteorite on.The strength spirit that 2 people mutually hand over vibrates unreal, the dust drops into, the but again is in the meteorite above 3 Chinese feets is apart from to slide together uncanny curve and spread to fall unreal in ……"emperor good effort in sky, just and totally split 960,000 knives, do I say rightly?"Wang Long still keeps keeping light smiling face of face and looking at for a sky, emperor light tone ground says.Emperor in the sky ordered to nod, "quite good, 960,000 knives, don't thought of you unexpectedly the total amount dissolve, and unexpectedly all shots at deicide knife the same part, I suddenly thoughted of a words, unreal sky of big the absolute being once talked in those early years:The man accepts morals but floats to visit, didn't ruin without the fame.A top for a while, with and strength, float to visit creation, everything but not the thing is at the thing, you already exert exert three among those flavors!"Wang Long smells listen to, also not from must ha ha ha the ground smiled, " emperor in the sky doesn't want thus great I, this will make me become the arrogant, is emperor in the sky not also very fantastic?The cellular phone is a way, but way invisible.Let out cloth to turn, all proceed from nihilist.And world having material form, the yin and yang is soft just, each had its, emperor in the sky seemed also be familiar with the truth of this make out of nothing ……"emperor in the sky was getting more silent, he looking at Wang longed, while Wang Long also smiled to hope him, 2 people a speech not hair, but look up at sky at the same time cachinnation!In the laughter, emperor in the sky suddenly moved, along a straight line suddenly rush toward to Wang Long.But close by Wang Long's body, the but again suddenly stops bottom, the unreal is floated to Wang Long above, an on every occasion.But Wang Long the in a flash that hold still in the emperor body form in sky then, the hands slightly open and send forth all over a matchless and dazzling many colors absolute being light, do the form of Cang eagle like the kid, arm such as Kun Peng double the wings dance move, the but again of arm vibration seems to be unclearly to agree with a certain and peculiar regulation, the body is smugger to rise, fly toward the emperor in sky to ……once chapter 499 emperor in the sky one ax emperor in the sky sweep a just easy color, pensively and thousand times, see quietly will soon rush toward of Wang Long, still keep body of quiet Mi, the deicide knife in hand is placed to chest before, the whole absolute being gets into inside see status, stop one's ears towards slowly rushing toward of Wang Long, feel like don't feel.All of 2 people's body forms is that the pure Mao is high bigs to, in the unreal, even seems to be some funny.The eye sees Wang Long to rush toward, sky the emperor body form but suddenly horizontal move to open, drag along knife of the disease sweep.The gold long grass is one Shan, fleet away such as the meteor, but Wang Long at this time suddenly speed body form, Teng empty is higher than the body of the emperor in sky, such as stork generally in the emperor in sky of nearby and lightly dance ……meteor continuously, stork at as the meteor of raindrop Xuan it again Xuan ground the Teng move to avoid being seen.2 people's body form almost has been already disappeared at the moment,
the space of meteorite sky in, sees crane shadow meteor and hands over to mutually dance in the wind to twinkle, 15 colors, one gold color dichromatism combination is very good-looking!"Bomb!"One is huge to ring later on, the many colors gold color dichromatism suddenly cent, Wang Long and emperor 2 people in the sky again separate, 2 people remain the Ning sign original place and imitate a Buddha have never moved half cent, still keep keeping peculiar confrontation ……suddenly, a burst of pleasant breeze blows to kiss of the voice ring out unclearly and broke 2 people of quite.Deicide knife droop, emperor in the sky raises head and looking at Wang Longs, on the face smile don't smile, the light tone ground says:"Wang Long, the ax in my heart has been already moved!"Wang Long but smiling face are brilliant matchless, lightly location nod, but don't answer.2 people again sank into a kind of breathed and silent, the pleasant breeze blows to kiss a voice to deliver loud and clearly more, gradually concealed have a thunder to spread.The thunder pushes pleasant breeze, the power of the pleasant breeze is suddenly flowing rapidly, blow to kiss of the voice unexpectedly became a tides Nu roar, if 1 have if the water vapor having no gradually fills the air in the unreal, the tide sound is like thunder.But emperor in the sky was feel like don't smell, the waistline perfectly straight stands, double the eye Be tiny to shut.The body of that pure Mao at have intention to not intentional of, born and huge have no vehemence, crag edge suddenly pull out like the seaside, greet Wang Long that strong tides to dash about.At this time, it is an amateur to allow can also feel 2 people that strong unique energy to noiselessly entwine intertexture in the unreal.Is all understand in two publics, next on recruiting, will be the collision that can ruin a sky to put out a ground of sort, so all gradually laid up the smiling face on the face.The tides voice gradually disappeared, imitating time that the Buddha rises tide already pass by, but emperor in the sky knows, is real beginning at present ……"emperor in the sky, one Zhu joss-stick of time will arrive, if emperor in the sky can not also step on this meteorite, so is a sky, emperor loses!"Suddenly Wang Long's voice broke that quite atmosphere.At Wang Long's words sound lately- risen in a flash, the double of emperor in the sky eye but suddenly open, double eye Jing the long grass twinkle, the body form has already suddenly rushed toward.All everythings can be permitted with a form, quick!At that kind of the naked eye is purely hard to see to move high speed in a sudden under, Wang Long clearly felt of emperor in a sky knife!The omen had no, have no of action, this knife comes extremely and suddenly and imitate Buddha absolute being come general, unreal once rowed to count Zhang, keep splitting toward Wang Long of the meteorite.Whole current of airs and air imitate Buddhas all drive sky emperor this astounding knife absorbs of a silk doesn't remain, a parties source of vitality exerts extremely and dies and the desolate Hai person's flavor ……Wang Long's facial expression is suddenly dignified, whole body tunic Xiu calm auto, long hair float a dance, show extremely uncanny breathing.Abruptly raise right hand, immediately send forth on the hand a dazzling many colors absolute being light, Wang Long doesn't hestitate of the one punch hit, Wang Long follows close behind this one punch, doing the innumerable is difficult to understand and ingenious, even is the exquisite variety that is more than any description, the but again has no the one punch of spending the Qiao to bomb at the place of the Feng blade of emperor deicide in the sky knife.