2014-09-03 13:21:07
原文地址:安装Oracle时遇到的Out of Memory的问题 作者:东方蜘蛛
ORA-27102 "Out of Memory"
在/etc/system 下添加了推荐的关于share memory的参数,重起系统后还是没有效果,搜索 了一下,得到了一个解决方案:
shminfo_shmmax is an obsoletes tuneable, which is replaced by the following resource control project.max-shm-memory, which in turns defaults to 1/4 of physical memory if not set.
I would suggest
groupadd dba
useradd -g dba -d ${ORACLE_HOME} -m -s /bin/bash oracle
change permissions etc on ORACLE_HOME and so on.
projadd -U oracle -G dba -c 'Ora DB' -p 162 user.oracle
projmod -sK 'project.max-shm-memory=(priv,48g,deny)' user.oracle
then log in as oracle and check the value via
prctl -n project.max-shm-memory -i project user.oracle