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2014-08-18 11:25:05

原文地址:[手册] OpenSSL 之 ca 命令 作者:ailms

CA(1)       OpenSSL    CA(1)
       ca - sample minimal CA application
# 注释 :ca 是简单的 mini CA 工具
       openssl ca [-verbose] [-config filename] [-name section] [-gencrl] [-revoke file] [-crl_reason reason] [-crl_hold instruction] [-crl_com-
       promise time] [-crl_CA_compromise time] [-subj arg] [-crldays days] [-crlhours hours] [-crlexts section] [-startdate date] [-enddate date]
       [-days arg]
[-md arg] [-policy arg] [-keyfile arg] [-key arg] [-passin arg] [-cert file] [-in file] [-out file] [-notext] [-outdir dir]
       [-infiles] [-spkac file] [-ss_cert file] [-preserveDN] [-noemailDN] [-batch] [-msie_hack] [-extensions section] [-extfile section]
       [-engine id]
       The ca command is a minimal CA application. It can be used to sign
       certificate requests in a variety of forms and generate CRLs it also
       maintains a text database of issued certificates and their status.
        # 注释 :ca 子命令是一个小型 CA 。它可以 用于对证书请求进行签名(以不同的格式),并生成 CRL 列表,
        # 它同时还维护一个文本数据库,记录了所有它颁发的证书以及它们的状态
       The options descriptions will be divided into each purpose.
        # 注释 :下面按选项的用途分别进行介绍
       -config filename
    specifies the configuration file to use.
        # 注释 :-config 指定配置文件
       -name section
    specifies the configuration file section to use (overrides
    default_ca in the ca section).
        # 注释 :-name 指定要使用配置文件中那个 section ,默认是 [ default_ca ] 部分
       -in filename
    an input filename containing a single certificate request to be
    signed by the CA.
        # 注释 :-in 指定一个 CSR 文件,用于被该 CA 签名
       -ss_cert filename
    a single self signed certificate to be signed by the CA.
        # 注释 :-ssl_cert 指定一个自签名的证书,要被 CA 签名
       -spkac filename
    a file containing a single Netscape signed public key and chal-
    lenge and additional field values to be signed by the CA. See the
    SPKAC FORMAT section for information on the required format.
    if present this should be the last option, all subsequent argu-
    ments are assumed to the the names of files containing certificate
        # 注释 :-infiles 如果被指定,必须是最后一个,它表示后面的都是要签名的 CSR 文件名
       -out filename
    the output file to output certificates to. The default is standard
    output. The certificate details will also be printed out to this
        # 注释 :-out 指定输出文件名
       -outdir directory
    the directory to output certificates to. The certificate will be
    written to a filename consisting of the serial number in hex with
    ".pem" appended.
        # 注释 :-outdir 设置输出证书的目录。证书的文件名是 <16进制序列号>.pem
        # 默认是 demoCA/newcerts/
    the CA certificate file.
        # 注释 :-cert 表示该 CA 的证书文件
       -keyfile filename
    the private key to sign requests with.
        # 注释 :-keyfile 指定 CA 的 private key
       -key password
    the password used to encrypt the private key. Since on some sys-
    tems the command line arguments are visible (e.g. Unix with the
    ’ps’ utility) this option should be used with caution.
        # 注释 :-key 指定 private key 的口令句,是用于输出密钥的加密的
       -passin arg
    the key password source. For more information about the format of
    arg see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section in openssl(1).
        # 注释 :-passin 指定输入的 CA 私钥的口令句
    this prints extra details about the operations being performed.
        # 注释 :-verbose 是冗余模式
    don’t output the text form of a certificate to the output file.
        # 注释 :-notext 不输出一个证书的文本部分
       -startdate date
    this allows the start date to be explicitly set. The format of the
    date is YYMMDDHHMMSSZ (the same as an ASN1 UTCTime structure).
        # 注释 :-startdate 允许设置证书的启用时间
       -enddate date
    this allows the expiry date to be explicitly set. The format of
    the date is YYMMDDHHMMSSZ (the same as an ASN1 UTCTime structure).
        # 注释 :-enddate 允许设置证书的过期时间
       -days arg
    the number of days to certify the certificate for.
        # 注释 :-days 指定证书的有效期。
       -md alg
    the message digest to use. Possible values include md5, sha1 and
    mdc2.  This option also applies to CRLs.
        # 注释 :-md 指定消息摘要的算法,可以有 md5、sha1、mdc2
       -policy arg
    this option defines the CA "policy" to use. This is a section in
    the configuration file which decides which fields should be manda-
    tory or match the CA certificate. Check out the POLICY FORMAT sec-
    tion for more information.
        # 注释 :-policy 指定 CA 的策略。它定义了那个字段是必须的,那个字段必须匹配 CA 的证书
        # 具体在配置文件中 :
# A few difference way of specifying how similar the request should look
# For type CA, the listed attributes must be the same, and the optional
# and supplied fields are just that :-)
policy          = policy_match
# For the CA policy
[ policy_match ]
countryName             = match
stateOrProvinceName     = match
organizationName        = match
organizationalUnitName  = optional
commonName              = supplied
emailAddress            = optional
# For the 'anything' policy
# At this point in time, you must list all acceptable 'object'
# types.
[ policy_anything ]
countryName             = optional
stateOrProvinceName     = optional
localityName            = optional
organizationName        = optional
organizationalUnitName  = optional
commonName              = supplied
emailAddress            = optional

    this is a legacy option to make ca work with very old versions of
    the IE certificate enrollment control "certenr3". It used Univer-
    salStrings for almost everything. Since the old control has vari-
    ous security bugs its use is strongly discouraged. The newer con-
    trol "Xenroll" does not need this option.
    Normally the DN order of a certificate is the same as the order of
    the fields in the relevant policy section. When this option is set
    the order is the same as the request. This is largely for compati-
    bility with the older IE enrollment control which would only
    accept certificates if their DNs match the order of the request.
    This is not needed for Xenroll.
    The DN of a certificate can contain the EMAIL field if present in
    the request DN, however it is good policy just having the e-mail
    set into the altName extension of the certificate. When this
    option is set the EMAIL field is removed from the certificate’
    subject and set only in the, eventually present, extensions. The
    email_in_dn keyword can be used in the configuration file to
    enable this behaviour.
    this sets the batch mode. In this mode no questions will be asked
    and all certificates will be certified automatically.
        # 注释 :-batch 下不会询问任何问题,所有证书会被自动认证。
       -extensions section
    the section of the configuration file containing certificate
    extensions to be added when a certificate is issued (defaults to
    x509_extensions unless the -extfile option is used). If no exten-
    sion section is present then, a V1 certificate is created. If the
    extension section is present (even if it is empty), then a V3 cer-
    tificate is created.
        # 注释 :-extensions 设置当一个也证书被发出时,要在证书的尾部添加什么证书扩展信息。
        # 默认是配置文件中的 [ x509_extenssions ] 。如果没有 extensions 部分存在,则一个 V1
        # 证书被建立,如果 extensions 部分不能从,则建立一个 v3 证书
# To use this configuration file with the "-extfile" option of the
# "openssl x509" utility, name here the section containing the
# X.509v3 extensions to use:
# extensions            =
# (Alternatively, use a configuration file that has only
# X.509v3 extensions in its main [= default] section.)
[ req ]
default_bits            = 1024
#default_keyfile        = privkey.pem
default_keyfile         = my_default_private.pem
distinguished_name      = req_distinguished_name
attributes              = req_attributes
x509_extensions = v3_ca # The extentions to add to the self signed cert
[ v3_ca ]

# Extensions for a typical CA

# PKIX recommendation.
# This is what PKIX recommends but some broken software chokes on critical
# extensions.
#basicConstraints = critical,CA:true
# So we do this instead.
basicConstraints = CA:true
# Key usage: this is typical for a CA certificate. However since it will
# prevent it being used as an test self-signed certificate it is best
# left out by default.
# keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign
# Some might want this also
# nsCertType = sslCA, emailCA
# Include email address in subject alt name: another PKIX recommendation
# subjectAltName=email:copy
# Copy issuer details
# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
# DER hex encoding of an extension: beware experts only!
# obj=DER:02:03
# Where 'obj' is a standard or added object
# You can even override a supported extension:
# basicConstraints= critical, DER:30:03:01:01:FF
       -extfile file
    an additional configuration file to read certificate extensions
    from (using the default section unless the -extensions option is
    also used).
        # 注释 :-extfile 指定一个额外配置文件用于读取证书扩展信息。
       -engine id
    specifying an engine (by it’s unique id string) will cause req to
    attempt to obtain a functional reference to the specified engine,
    thus initialising it if needed. The engine will then be set as the
    default for all available algorithms.

    this option generates a CRL based on information in the index  file.
        # 注释 :-gencrl 用于生成一个 CRL 信息,依据是 index 文件。该文件是 CA 脚本的 -newca 选项生成的
       -crldays num
    the number of days before the next CRL is due. That is the days from now to place in the CRL nextUpdate field.
        # 注释 :-crldays 用于设置下一个 CRL 被生成的时间。也就是多久更新一次 CRL
        # 该值会被放在 CRL 的 nextUpdate 字段中。
       -crlhours num
    the number of hours before the next CRL is due.
        # 注释 :-crlhours 表示多时小时候更新 CRL
       -revoke filename
    a filename containing a certificate to revoke.
        # 注释 :-revoke 用于收回一个证书
       -crl_reason reason
    revocation reason, where reason is one of: unspecified, keyCompro-
    mise, CACompromise, affiliationChanged, superseded, cessationOfOp-
    eration, certificateHold or removeFromCRL. The matching of reason
    is case insensitive. Setting any revocation reason will make the
    CRL v2.
        # 注释 :-crl_reason 用于指定回收的原因,可以是  :
        #     -)1、unspecified
        #     -)2、keyCompromise
        #     -)3、CACompromise
        #     -)4、affiliationChanged
        #     -)5、superseded
        #     -)6、cessationOfOperation
        #     -)7、certificateHold
        #     -)8、removeFromCRL
        # 要注意,上述的原因是不区分大小写的。只要设置了该选项,就会生成一个 V2 版本的 CRL
    In practive removeFromCRL is not particularly useful because it is
    only used in delta CRLs which are not currently implemented.
        # 注释 :removeFromCRL 这个原因不太有效,目前未实现
       -crl_hold instruction
    This sets the CRL revocation reason code to certificateHold and
    the hold instruction to instruction which must be an OID. Although
    any OID can be used only holdInstructionNone (the use of which is
    discouraged by RFC2459) holdInstructionCallIssuer or holdInstruc-
    tionReject will normally be used.
        # 注释 :-crl_hold
       -crl_compromise time
    This sets the revocation reason to keyCompromise and the compro-
    mise time to time. time should be in GeneralizedTime format that
        # 注释 :-crl_comromise 用于设置回收的原因为 keyCompromise ,并设置 private key 信息泄露的时间
        # 时间的格式是 YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ
       -crl_CA_compromise time
    This is the same as crl_compromise except the revocation reason is
    set to CACompromise.
        # 注释 :-crl_CA_compromise 同上,只不过原因不同而已
       -subj arg
    supersedes subject name given in the request.  The arg must be
    formatted as /type0=value0/type1=value1/type2=..., characters may
    be escaped by \ (backslash), no spaces are skipped.
        # 注释 :-subj 用于替换 CSR 中的 subject 字段的内容
       -crlexts section
    the section of the configuration file containing CRL extensions to
    include. If no CRL extension section is present then a V1 CRL is
    created, if the CRL extension section is present (even if it is
    empty) then a V2 CRL is created. The CRL extensions specified are
    CRL extensions and not CRL entry extensions.  It should be noted
    that some software (for example Netscape) can’t handle V2 CRLs.
        # 注释 :-crlexts 用于设置 CRL 的扩展信息。
# 补充 :在配置文件中关于 CRL 的信息有
crl_dir         = $dir/crl              # Where the issued crl are kept
crl             = $dir/crl.pem          # The current CRL
# Extensions to add to a CRL. Note: Netscape communicator chokes on V2 CRLs
# so this is commented out by default to leave a V1 CRL.
# crl_extensions        = crl_ext
default_crl_days= 30                    # how long before next CRL
[ crl_ext ]
# CRL extensions.
# Only issuerAltName and authorityKeyIdentifier make any sense in a CRL.
# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
       The section of the configuration file containing options for ca is
       found as follows: If the -name command line option is used, then it
       names the section to be used. Otherwise the section to be used must be
       named in the default_ca option of the ca section of the configuration
       file (or in the default section of the configuration file). Besides
       default_ca, the following options are read directly from the ca sec-

 msie_hack With the exception of RANDFILE, this is probably a bug and
       may change in future releases.
       Many of the configuration file options are identical to command line
       options. Where the option is present in the configuration file and the
       command line the command line value is used. Where an option is
       described as mandatory then it must be present in the configuration
       file or the command line equivalent (if any) used.
    This specifies a file containing additional OBJECT IDENTIFIERS.
    Each line of the file should consist of the numerical form of the
    object identifier followed by white space then the short name fol-
    lowed by white space and finally the long name.
    This specifies a section in the configuration file containing
    extra object identifiers. Each line should consist of the short
    name of the object identifier followed by = and the numerical
    form. The short and long names are the same when this option is
    the same as the -outdir command line option. It specifies the
    directory where new certificates will be placed. Mandatory.
    the same as -cert. It gives the file containing the CA certifi-
    cate. Mandatory.
    same as the -keyfile option. The file containing the CA private
    key. Mandatory.
    a file used to read and write random number seed information, or
    an EGD socket (see RAND_egd(3)).
     the same as the -days option. The number of days to certify a cer-
    tificate for.
    the same as the -startdate option. The start date to certify a
    certificate for. If not set the current time is used.
    the same as the -enddate option. Either this option or
    default_days (or the command line equivalents) must be present.
       default_crl_hours default_crl_days
    the same as the -crlhours and the -crldays options. These will
    only be used if neither command line option is present. At least
    one of these must be present to generate a CRL.
    the same as the -md option. The message digest to use. Mandatory.
    the text database file to use. Mandatory. This file must be
    present though initially it will be empty.
    a text file containing the next serial number to use in hex.
    Mandatory.  This file must be present and contain a valid serial
    the same as -extensions.
    the same as -crlexts.
    the same as -preserveDN
    the same as -noemailDN. If you want the EMAIL field to be removed
    from the DN of the certificate simply set this to ’no’. If not
    present the default is to allow for the EMAIL filed in the cer-
    tificate’s DN.
    the same as -msie_hack
    the same as -policy. Mandatory. See the POLICY FORMAT section for
    more information.
       nameopt, certopt
    these options allow the format used to display the certificate
    details when asking the user to confirm signing. All the options
    supported by the x509 utilities -nameopt and -certopt switches can
    be used here, except the no_signame and no_sigdump are permanently
    set and cannot be disabled (this is because the certificate signa-
    ture cannot be displayed because the certificate has not been
    signed at this point).
    For convenience the values default_ca are accepted by both to pro-
    duce a reasonable output.
    If neither option is present the format used in earlier versions
    of OpenSSL is used. Use of the old format is strongly discouraged
    because it only displays fields mentioned in the policy section,
    mishandles multicharacter string types and does not display exten-
    determines how extensions in certificate requests should be han-
    dled.  If set to none or this option is not present then exten-
    sions are ignored and not copied to the certificate. If set to
    copy then any extensions present in the request that are not
    already present are copied to the certificate. If set to copyall
    then all extensions in the request are copied to the certificate:
    if the extension is already present in the certificate it is
    deleted first. See the WARNINGS section before using this option.
    The main use of this option is to allow a certificate request to
    supply values for certain extensions such as subjectAltName.
       The policy section consists of a set of variables corresponding to
       certificate DN fields. If the value is "match" then the field value
       must match the same field in the CA certificate. If the value is "sup-
       plied" then it must be present. If the value is "optional" then it may
       be present. Any fields not mentioned in the policy section are
       silently deleted, unless the -preserveDN option is set but this can be
       regarded more of a quirk than intended behaviour.
# 注释 :如果某个的字段的值是 match ,则必须匹配 CA 证书对应字段的值
# 如果是 supplied ,则该字段的值必须存在。
# 如果是 optional 则该字段的值可以为空
# 任何不在 policy 部分的字段都会被删除,除非使用了 -preserverDN
       The input to the -spkac command line option is a Netscape signed pub-
       lic key and challenge. This will usually come from the KEYGEN tag in
       an HTML form to create a new private key.  It is however possible to
       create SPKACs using the spkac utility.
       The file should contain the variable SPKAC set to the value of the
       SPKAC and also the required DN components as name value pairs.  If you
       need to include the same component twice then it can be preceded by a
       number and a ’.’.
       Note: these examples assume that the ca directory structure is already
       set up and the relevant files already exist. This usually involves
       creating a CA certificate and private key with req, a serial number
       file and an empty index file and placing them in the relevant directo-
        # 注释 :注意!下面的命令是假设已经存在一个 ca 结构目录了,并且相关的文件也存在(执行过 CA 脚本了)
        # 实际上就是建立一些目录,然后把 CA 自己的证书、CA 自己的私钥、序列号文件、index 文件拷贝到相应的地方
       To use the sample configuration file below the directories demoCA,
       demoCA/private and demoCA/newcerts would be created. The CA certifi-
       cate would be copied to demoCA/cacert.pem and its private key to
       demoCA/private/cakey.pem. A file demoCA/serial would be created con-
       taining for example "01" and the empty index file demoCA/index.txt.
        # 注释 :目录结构为 : ./demoCA , ./demoCA/private , ./demoCA/newcerts
        # CA 的证书放在 demoCA/cacert.pem ,私钥文件放在 demoCA/private/cakey.pem 。
        # 序列号文件 serial 放在 demoCA/ 下,值从 01 开始。
        # 序列号文件 index.txt 放在 demoCA/ 下
       Sign a certificate request:
        # 注释 :下面的命令对一个 CSR 进行签名
         openssl ca -in req.pem -out newcert.pem
       Sign a certificate request, using CA extensions:
        # 注释 :下面的命令对一个 CSR 签名,同时使用 CA 扩展,为配置文件中的 v3_ca 部分
         openssl ca -in req.pem -extensions v3_ca -out newcert.pem
       Generate a CRL
        # 注释 :下面的命令生成一个 CRL 文件(PEM 格式)
         openssl ca -gencrl -out crl.pem
       Sign several requests:
        # 注释 :下面的命令对多个请求进行签名
         openssl ca -infiles req1.pem req2.pem req3.pem
       Certify a Netscape SPKAC:
         openssl ca -spkac spkac.txt
       A sample SPKAC file (the SPKAC line has been truncated for clarity):
 CN=Steve Test
 0.OU=OpenSSL Group
 1.OU=Another Group
       A sample configuration file with the relevant sections for ca:
 [ ca ]
 default_ca = CA_default  # The default ca section
 [ CA_default ]
 dir        = ./demoCA        # top dir
 database       = $dir/index.txt        # index file.
 new_certs_dir  = $dir/newcerts        # new certs dir
 certificate    = $dir/cacert.pem       # The CA cert
 serial        = $dir/serial        # serial no file
 private_key    = $dir/private/cakey.pem# CA private key
 RANDFILE       = $dir/private/.rand    # random number file
 default_days   = 365         # how long to certify for
 default_crl_days= 30         # how long before next CRL
 default_md     = md5         # md to use
 policy        = policy_any        # default policy
 email_in_dn    = no         # Don’t add the email into cert DN
 nameopt        = default_ca        # Subject name display option
 certopt        = default_ca        # Certificate display option
 copy_extensions = none         # Don’t copy extensions from request
 [ policy_any ]
 countryName        = supplied
 stateOrProvinceName    = optional
 organizationName       = optional
 organizationalUnitName = optional
 commonName        = supplied
 emailAddress        = optional
       Note: the location of all files can change either by compile time
       options, configuration file entries, environment variables or command
       line options.  The values below reflect the default values.
 /usr/local/ssl/lib/openssl.cnf - master configuration file
 ./demoCA         - main CA directory
 ./demoCA/cacert.pem        - CA certificate
 ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem     - CA private key
 ./demoCA/serial         - CA serial number file
 ./demoCA/serial.old        - CA serial number backup file
 ./demoCA/index.txt        - CA text database file
 ./demoCA/index.txt.old        - CA text database backup file
 ./demoCA/certs         - certificate output file
 ./demoCA/.rnd         - CA random seed information
       OPENSSL_CONF reflects the location of master configuration file it can
       be overridden by the -config command line option.
       The text database index file is a critical part of the process and if
       corrupted it can be difficult to fix. It is theoretically possible to
       rebuild the index file from all the issued certificates and a current
       CRL: however there is no option to do this.
       V2 CRL features like delta CRL support and CRL numbers are not cur-
       rently supported.
       Although several requests can be input and handled at once it is only
       possible to include one SPKAC or self signed certificate.
       The use of an in memory text database can cause problems when large
       numbers of certificates are present because, as the name implies the
       database has to be kept in memory.
       It is not possible to certify two certificates with the same DN: this
       is a side effect of how the text database is indexed and it cannot
       easily be fixed without introducing other problems. Some S/MIME
       clients can use two certificates with the same DN for separate signing
       and encryption keys.
       The ca command really needs rewriting or the required functionality
       exposed at either a command or interface level so a more friendly
       utility (perl script or GUI) can handle things properly. The scripts and help a little but not very much.
       Any fields in a request that are not present in a policy are silently
       deleted. This does not happen if the -preserveDN option is used. To
       enforce the absence of the EMAIL field within the DN, as suggested by
       RFCs, regardless the contents of the request’ subject the -noemailDN
       option can be used. The behaviour should be more friendly and config-
       Cancelling some commands by refusing to certify a certificate can cre-
       ate an empty file.
       The ca command is quirky and at times downright unfriendly.
       The ca utility was originally meant as an example of how to do things
       in a CA. It was not supposed to be used as a full blown CA itself:
       nevertheless some people are using it for this purpose.
       The ca command is effectively a single user command: no locking is
       done on the various files and attempts to run more than one ca command
       on the same database can have unpredictable results.
       The copy_extensions option should be used with caution. If care is not
       taken then it can be a security risk. For example if a certificate
       request contains a basicConstraints extension with CA:TRUE and the
       copy_extensions value is set to copyall and the user does not spot
       this when the certificate is displayed then this will hand the
       requestor a valid CA certificate.
       This situation can be avoided by setting copy_extensions to copy and
       including basicConstraints with CA:FALSE in the configuration file.
       Then if the request contains a basicConstraints extension it will be
       It is advisable to also include values for other extensions such as
       keyUsage to prevent a request supplying its own values.
       Additional restrictions can be placed on the CA certificate itself.
       For example if the CA certificate has:
 basicConstraints = CA:TRUE, pathlen:0
       then even if a certificate is issued with CA:TRUE it will not be
       req(1), spkac(1), x509(1),, config(5)
0.9.7a      2003-01-30    CA(1)
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