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分类: 云计算

2013-09-16 09:37:14




目前CloudSim通过VmAllocationPolicySimple类实现虚拟机分配, 方法allocateHostForVm(Vm vm)是该类的核心,它实现了从主机列表中选择一台物理机,并在其上创建虚拟机vm。主要实现过程的描述如下:

(1) 记录下所有物理机可用的处理器核心数。

(2) 从中选出可用处理器核心数最多的第一台物理机,并尝试在其上创建虚拟机。

(3) 如果(2)失败了且还有物理机没有尝试过,就排除当前选择的这台物理机,重做(2)

(4) 根据虚拟机是否创建成功,返回truefalse

(5) 如果返回true,更新虚拟机ID与物理机映射,更新虚拟机ID与使用的PE数映射,更新物理机空闲PE数。


  1. /*******VmAllocationPolicySimple源码分析******/
  2. public class VmAllocationPolicySimple extends VmAllocationPolicy {

  3.     /** The vm table. */
  4.     // 保存虚拟机ID与物理机的映射

  5.     private Map<String, Host> vmTable;

  6.     /** The used pes. */
  7.     // 保存虚拟机ID与分配的PE数映射

  8.     private Map<String, Integer> usedPes;

  9.     /** The free pes. */
  10.     // 保存每台物理机可用的PE数

  11.     private List<Integer> freePes;

  12.     /**
  13.      * Creates the new VmAllocationPolicySimple object.
  14.      *
  15.      * @param list the list
  16.      * @pre $none
  17.      * @post $none
  18.      */
  19.     public VmAllocationPolicySimple(List<? extends Host> list) {
  20.         super(list); // 设置物理机列表

  21.         setFreePes(new ArrayList<Integer>());
  22.         // 获取每台主机的可用PE数

  23.         for (Host host : getHostList()) {
  24.             getFreePes().add(host.getNumberOfPes());

  25.         }

  26.         // 初始化VmTable和usedPes

  27.         setVmTable(new HashMap<String, Host>());
  28.         setUsedPes(new HashMap<String, Integer>());
  29.     }

  30.     /**
  31.      * Allocates a host for a given VM.
  32.      *
  33.      * @param vm VM specification
  34.      * @return $true if the host could be allocated; $false otherwise
  35.      * @pre $none
  36.      * @post $none
  37.      */
  38.     // 为虚拟机分配一台物理机

  39.     @Override
  40.     public boolean allocateHostForVm(Vm vm) {
  41.         int requiredPes = vm.getNumberOfPes(); // 获取该虚拟机需要的PE数

  42.         boolean result = false;
  43.         int tries = 0; // 分配物理机的失败次数

  44.         List<Integer> freePesTmp = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  45.         for (Integer freePes : getFreePes()) { // 临时保存每台物理机可用的PE数

  46.             freePesTmp.add(freePes);
  47.         }

  48.         // 如果该虚拟机没有分配物理机,尝试为其分配物理机

  49.         if (!getVmTable().containsKey(vm.getUid())) { // if this vm was not created

  50.             do {// we still trying until we find a host or until we try all of them

  51.                 int moreFree = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // 最小整数(为了保存可用PE数最大值)

  52.                 int idx = -1; // 保存物理机ID

  53.                 // we want the host with less pes in use

  54.                 // 获取可用PE数最大的物理机ID

  55.                 for (int i = 0; i < freePesTmp.size(); i++) {
  56.                     if (freePesTmp.get(i) > moreFree) {
  57.                         moreFree = freePesTmp.get(i);
  58.                         idx = i;
  59.                     }
  60.                 }

  61.                 // 获取可用PE数最大的物理机,并尝试在其上创建虚拟机

  62.                 Host host = getHostList().get(idx);
  63.                 result = host.vmCreate(vm); // 虚拟创建(后续会深入分析)

  64.                 if (result) { // if vm were succesfully created in the host

  65.                     // 如果虚拟机创建成功,更新虚拟机ID与物理机映射,更新虚拟机ID与使用的PE数映射,更新物理机空闲PE数

  66.                     getVmTable().put(vm.getUid(), host);
  67.                     getUsedPes().put(vm.getUid(), requiredPes);
  68.                     getFreePes().set(idx, getFreePes().get(idx) - requiredPes);
  69.                     result = true;
  70.                     break;
  71.                 } else {
  72.                     // 如果分配失败(还没看完其他代码,猜测可能失败的情况有:虽然物理机的PE数满足该虚拟机需求,但是其他资源可能不满足,如内存、存储等。),

  73.                     // 则将该物理机的可用PE数设置为整数最小值(只是在临时列表中设置),从而排除该物理机。

  74.                     freePesTmp.set(idx, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
  75.                 }
  76.                 tries++;
  77.             } while (!result && tries < getFreePes().size());

  78.         }

  79.         return result;
  80.     }

  81.     /**
  82.      * Releases the host used by a VM.
  83.      *
  84.      * @param vm the vm
  85.      * @pre $none
  86.      * @post none
  87.      */
  88.     // 销毁虚拟机

  89.     @Override
  90.     public void deallocateHostForVm(Vm vm) {
  91.         Host host = getVmTable().remove(vm.getUid()); // 删除该虚拟机与物理机的映射关系

  92.         int idx = getHostList().indexOf(host);
  93.         int pes = getUsedPes().remove(vm.getUid()); // 删除该虚拟机与使用PE数的映射关系

  94.         if (host != null) {
  95.             host.vmDestroy(vm); // 销毁虚拟机(后续会深入分析)

  96.             getFreePes().set(idx, getFreePes().get(idx) + pes); // 更新物理机可用PE数

  97.         }
  98.     }

  99.     /**
  100.      * Gets the host that is executing the given VM belonging to the given user.
  101.      *
  102.      * @param vm the vm
  103.      * @return the Host with the given vmID and userID; $null if not found
  104.      * @pre $none
  105.      * @post $none
  106.      */
  107.     @Override
  108.     public Host getHost(Vm vm) {
  109.         return getVmTable().get(vm.getUid());
  110.     }

  111.     /**
  112.      * Gets the host that is executing the given VM belonging to the given user.
  113.      *
  114.      * @param vmId the vm id
  115.      * @param userId the user id
  116.      * @return the Host with the given vmID and userID; $null if not found
  117.      * @pre $none
  118.      * @post $none
  119.      */
  120.     @Override
  121.     public Host getHost(int vmId, int userId) {
  122.         return getVmTable().get(Vm.getUid(userId, vmId));
  123.     }

  124.     /**
  125.      * Gets the vm table.
  126.      *
  127.      * @return the vm table
  128.      */
  129.     public Map<String, Host> getVmTable() {
  130.         return vmTable;
  131.     }

  132.     /**
  133.      * Sets the vm table.
  134.      *
  135.      * @param vmTable the vm table
  136.      */
  137.     protected void setVmTable(Map<String, Host> vmTable) {
  138.         this.vmTable = vmTable;
  139.     }

  140.     /**
  141.      * Gets the used pes.
  142.      *
  143.      * @return the used pes
  144.      */
  145.     protected Map<String, Integer> getUsedPes() {
  146.         return usedPes;
  147.     }

  148.     /**
  149.      * Sets the used pes.
  150.      *
  151.      * @param usedPes the used pes
  152.      */
  153.     protected void setUsedPes(Map<String, Integer> usedPes) {
  154.         this.usedPes = usedPes;
  155.     }

  156.     /**
  157.      * Gets the free pes.
  158.      *
  159.      * @return the free pes
  160.      */
  161.     protected List<Integer> getFreePes() {
  162.         return freePes;
  163.     }

  164.     /**
  165.      * Sets the free pes.
  166.      *
  167.      * @param freePes the new free pes
  168.      */
  169.     protected void setFreePes(List<Integer> freePes) {
  170.         this.freePes = freePes;
  171.     }

  172.     /*
  173.      * (non-Javadoc)
  174.      * @see cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicy#optimizeAllocation(double, cloudsim.VmList, double)
  175.      */
  176.     // 最优分配,具体不清楚

  177.     @Override
  178.     public List<Map<String, Object>> optimizeAllocation(List<? extends Vm> vmList) {
  179.         // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  180.         return null;
  181.     }

  182.     /*
  183.      * (non-Javadoc)
  184.      * @see org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicy#allocateHostForVm(org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm,
  185.      * org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host)
  186.      */
  187.     // 将虚拟机分配给特定的物理机

  188.     @Override
  189.     public boolean allocateHostForVm(Vm vm, Host host) {
  190.         if (host.vmCreate(vm)) { // if vm has been succesfully created in the host

  191.             // 如果虚拟机在指定物理机上被成功创建,更新相关数据结构,分析见allocateHostForVm(Vm vm)

  192.             getVmTable().put(vm.getUid(), host);

  193.             int requiredPes = vm.getNumberOfPes();
  194.             int idx = getHostList().indexOf(host);
  195.             getUsedPes().put(vm.getUid(), requiredPes);
  196.             getFreePes().set(idx, getFreePes().get(idx) - requiredPes);

  197.             Log.formatLine(
  198.                     "%.2f: VM #" + vm.getId() + " has been allocated to the host #" + host.getId(),
  199.                     CloudSim.clock()); // clock()没搞清楚

  200.             return true;
  201.         }

  202.         return false;
  203.     }
  204. }

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