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2014-02-12 14:39:49

31,62 and other military coordination, and annihilated beneath fortified city. Chiang's defenders insist is not required for three months but the Clique summit Pai Chung-hsi. From the results of the Japanese attack to fall throughout the city in just ten days, counting only general attack two days from 40 Division Two League. Defenders in a division of the main situation is largely intact abandon the city to escape, also called the Japanese ambush caught a lot of prisoners, so useless fighting duo Li Bai are probably even see how many can boast place. Wei Yun Sung defender out of food to eat when then stick with black beans Yunnan combat operations in the history of the army left the Clique "eat black beans spirit" in the world, but unfortunately this time in Guilin year's "eat black beans Spirit" is really not much rest , Twenty years is put his spirit polished, Jiaodimayou effort to improve the lot of touches. Battle, the defenders of 131,170 two full divisions and the central system and a regiment of two battalions of the army 79 30 000, plus 105 belong to the central system cannon, howitzer 150 each plus a company of four Air Force Support Battalion, just two days after the Japanese general attack on the occupation of the city. 170 Japanese teacher is a city on the division running, results in a hit outside reinforcements of 37 divisions, and let people catch a lot of prisoners. This fighting has also dare Hengyang, Changde than passing it. Even compared to other systems of units, the initial resistance of 196 Sui Army brigades loyal to the original level small town 10 days,, leaving only 800 people when a car trip down. The author had been able to manufacture more than 30,000 Japanese casualties figure, laughable! ManDaManSuan Japanese troops into only three divisions 37, 40 and 58, 1944, the Japanese division is much smaller than that in 1937, 1.7 million people in Shandong 39 divisions, already listed as belonging to overstaffing. So the Japanese fighting forces two three divisions plus a security division units,, together with attached forces also estimated at around five million people, so if more than thirty thousand casualties, the Japanese city of Guilin was really able to capture the hell of it. You know, the 1937 Battle of Shanghai Chinese army troops focused on the 750,000 plus all elite air force, artillery, armor, bloody battle with the Japanese about four months just annihilating people. Nomenkan battle Zhukov's troops, and equipment are far superior to the Chinese army in 1944, the Battle of the absolute superiority of the Japanese face overwhelming firepower 6th Army. Even so, the two sides battle for a summer, according to the records of the Japanese side would be "killed in 7696, war wounds 8647, 1021 missing people," the total number of casualties is only eighteen thousand people. After the Japanese occupation of Guilin gangbusters, just twenty days of the occupation of Nanning Yishan and other strategic places,, to December
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