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2013-09-30 14:50:07

People's Daily: Wenzhou let us touch the warmth of this era
hidden forces in society to flourish, to become effective support for government action, social construction and social management is a valuable resource, "7.23" motor car rear-end accident, one photo puzzles heat transfer network: top, Wenzhou people to donate blood long lines; intermediate, is busy hospital volunteers; below is shirtless rescue villagers. User Rating: Wenzhou warm, Chinese forces. After the accident, is blowing in the fall in the car hanging life, beginning with a race against time. At this moment, there is no relief, than the presence of human hands more effectively; nothing fleet vehicles than the surrounding society more agile; no information that can deliver more than microblogging timely; there is no blood, can be compared flowing in the body of the share is more abundant, more warmth ...... every one ordinary citizen's performance, each of which social forces present, affect the speed, strength, comfort and warmth, related to the "golden rescue phase" in the life quality. "Wenzhou warmth", and thus amplified valuable. It makes us feel the growth of civic consciousness, touch the era temperature, passing forward with confidence. Risk society, there is always a variety of security incidents in unexpected circumstances. In many cases, the public force organized rescue difficult to arrive in time, everyone needs to help each other make up "time difference." Social safety net woven managers only "net", latitude and longitude lines between those gaps, needs the joint efforts of the members of society to fill. In fact, such a power, the rise in the Wenchuan earthquake, the Beijing Olympic volunteers conscious choices, to show in a variety of civic associations, social organizations continued operation, blooming in the mountains, children eat free lunch smile. The reserves in the social dynamism of force that can be effective support for government action, is a social construction and social management of valuable resources. Incidents, it is up a point, a point will be able to dissipate more harm haze; social life, it adds a point, you can shine a bright smile more. This is also addressed social management, Hu Jintao to emphasize "social cooperative" reasons. Whether relief, donation or concerns after the accident involvement, and let everyone share their feelings: they are also the "I"; me, that is "you." The Community cognition, feelings of social responsibility, can stimulate the participation of members of the community and a sense of identity, but also conducive to bridge the already emerging social rift. Social forces also dispersed huge. In the "Wenzhou warm", we see that the accident two hours, calling for blood donation microblogging users to build thousands of blood; Wenzhou Wah recruiting volunteers posts within 3 hours tumbled 100 places; we see to participate in the channel also not smooth enough, a lot of people do not know how to force; participatory approach could be improved, organizational effectiveness can not be fully maximized. Social weaknesses, when a social point of force managers. Profound changes in the period of transformation, the ability to integrate social forces, not only the social management innovation, it is a manifestation of ability to govern. Foster social organizations, social care caring, active social forces, governments at all levels should be to promote social management bounden duty. Xiang Weiyi, two and a half, keep Jarhead, wearing a princess dress, bow to drink water. The first motor car ride, my father took this moment, passing on microblogging. And when the last one was rescued, she has unfortunately become orphans. After the accident, for each emit a warm person, how praise can not be overstated, however, no one cares praise, because we are much more promising, is to gather more warm, sustained release, illuminate Wei Yi and more as if she with the individual's shoulders to bear the tragedy of human society forward direction.
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