tCsmaData.ucSlotted = CSMA_CA_WITHOUT_SLOTTED; /* 非时隙 */
tCsmaData.ucBatteryExtension = BATTERY_EXTENSION_DIS; /* 不启用电池寿命扩展 */
tCsmaData.pfCCA = CCA; /* 空闲信道评估函数(随机数模拟) */
tCsmaData.pfRandom = Random; /* 随机数函数(ADC模拟) */
2、初始化CSMA-CA CSMA_CA_Init(&tCsmaData);
3、使用CSMA-CA ucReturn = CSMA_CA();
4、根据CSMA-CA 返回结果进行报文发送。
* file :CSMA-CA.h
* Brief :Header file of 802.15.4 CSMA-CA algorithm - Ver. Beta
* Version:V0.10
* Author :Ian
* Date :2015年3月19日
* History: Date Editor Version Record
2015-03-19 Ian V0.10 Create, only CSMA-CA without
time slots is realized.
#ifndef _CSMA_CS_H_
#define _CSMA_CS_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define CSMA_CA_WITH_SLOTTED (1) /* CSMA-CA with time slott mode */
#define CSMA_CA_WITHOUT_SLOTTED (0) /* CSMA-CA with no time slott mode */
#define MAC_BE_MIN (3) /* Min. value of Backoff Exponent */
#define MAC_BE_MAX (5) /* Max. value of Backoff Exponent */
#define MAC_NB_MAX (4) /* Max. number of Backoff */
#define CHANNEL_BUSY (0) /* Indicate that channel is busy */
#define CHANNEL_CLR (1) /* Indicate that channel is clear */
#define BACKOFF_PERIOD_IN_US (20) /* Backoff time in us */
#define SW_OK (0) /* Successful operation */
#define SW_ERR (-1) /* Successful operation */
#define BATTERY_EXTENSION_EN (1) /* Battery life extension is enable */
#define BATTERY_EXTENSION_DIS (0) /* Battery life extension is disable*/
typedef unsigned char CSMA_CA_MODE; /* Mode type of csma-ca */
typedef int RESULT; /* Result of function */
typedef struct _CSMA_CA_
CSMA_CA_MODE ucSlotted; /* CSAM-CA mode: Time slotted or non-slotted */
uint8_t ucBatteryExtension; /* Use batteryExtension or not */
uint8_t (*pfCCA)(void); /* CCA performing function interface */
uint8_t (*pfRandom)(void); /* Random function interface */
* Function :RESULT CSMA_CA_Init(T_CSMA_CA_DATA* ptCsma)
* Description :Init CSMA-CA, Get & check necessary data struct
* Input Param :T_CSMA_CA_DATA* ptCsma Data struct for CSMA-CA
* Output Param:None
* Return :SW_ERR: Failed operation
SW_OK : Successful operation
* Function :RESULT CSMA_CA()
* Description :Perform CSMA-CA, check a channel is available or not
* Input Param :None
* Output Param:None
* Return :SW_ERR: Failed operation
SW_OK : Successful operation
* Function :void CSMA_Backoff_Delay(uint8_t ucNum)
* Description :Perform CSMA-CA Backoff
* Input Param :uint8_t ucNum Number of backoff period
* Output Param:None
* Return :None
void CSMA_Backoff_Delay(uint8_t ucNum);
* Function :void Delay_ns(uint16_t ucNum)
* Description :Wait for ucNum of backoff period
* Input Param :uint8_t ucNum Number of backoff period
* Output Param:None
* Return :None
void Delay_ns(uint16_t ucNum);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _CSMA_CA_H_ */
* file :CSMA-CA.c
* Brief :802.15.4 CSMA-CA algorithm - Ver. Beta
* Version:V0.10
* Author :Ian
* Date :2015年3月19日
* History: Date Editor Version Record
2015-03-19 Ian V0.10 Create, only CSMA-CA without
time slots is realized.
#include "common.h"
#include "csma_ca.h"
static T_CSMA_CA_DATA *sg_ptCsma = {NULL}; /* Pointer for CSMA-CA data struct */
* Function :RESULT CSMA_CA_Init(T_CSMA_CA_DATA* ptCsma)
* Description :Init CSMA-CA, Get & check necessary data struct
* Input Param :T_CSMA_CA_DATA* ptCsma Data struct for CSMA-CA
* Output Param:None
* Return :SW_ERR: Failed operation
SW_OK : Successful operation
if ((NULL == ptCsma)\
||(NULL == ptCsma->pfCCA)\
||(NULL == ptCsma->pfRandom)) /* If the pointer is invalid, or if CCA/Random is not available */
return SW_ERR; /* return error */
sg_ptCsma = ptCsma; /* Get the data struct for the module */
return SW_OK;
* Function :RESULT CSMA_CA()
* Description :Perform CSMA-CA, check a channel is available or not
* Input Param :None
* Output Param:None
* Return :SW_ERR: Failed operation
SW_OK : Successful operation
uint8_t ucBE,ucNB,ucRand,ucChClr;
switch(sg_ptCsma->ucSlotted) /* Check if it is slotted mode of csma */
case CSMA_CA_WITH_SLOTTED: /* If it is slotted mode */
/* To be continued.. */
case CSMA_CA_WITHOUT_SLOTTED: /* If it is not slotted mode */
ucNB = 0; /* Set init value of NB */
ucBE = MAC_BE_MIN; /* Set init value of BE */
for (;ucNB <= MAC_NB_MAX;)/* If Number of backoff does not reach MAX.*/
ucRand = sg_ptCsma->pfRandom()%((1<<ucBE)-1); /* Get Random uint backoff delay */
printf("Random value is %d , Max value is %d\n",ucRand, ((1<<ucBE) -1));
CSMA_Backoff_Delay(ucRand); /* Delay random uint backoff period */
ucChClr = sg_ptCsma->pfCCA(); /* Perform a CCA */
if (CHANNEL_CLR == ucChClr) /* If the channel is clear */
printf("CSMA-CA is ok!\n");
return SW_OK; /* Get the channel */
else /* If the channel is busy */
ucNB++; /* Update NB value */
ucBE++; /* Update BE value */
ucBE = ((ucBE<MAC_BE_MAX)?ucBE : MAC_BE_MAX); /* Get the Min. value*/
printf("CSMA-CA is trying!, NB=%d, BE=%d\n",ucNB,ucBE);
printf("CSMA-CA is failed!\n");
return SW_ERR; /* Max number of backoff is over, fail to get clear channel */
default: /* Invalid mode */
return SW_ERR; /* failed operation */
* Function :void CSMA_Backoff_Delay(uint8_t ucNum)
* Description :Perform CSMA-CA Backoff
* Input Param :uint8_t ucNum Number of backoff period
* Output Param:None
* Return :None
void CSMA_Backoff_Delay(uint8_t ucNum)
if(0 == ucNum)
return; /* if the number of backoff unit is 0, no delay is needed */
* Function :void Delay_ns(uint16_t ucNum)
* Description :Wait for ucNum of backoff period
* Input Param :uint8_t ucNum Number of backoff period
* Output Param:None
* Return :None
void Delay_ns(uint16_t ucNum)
uint16_t wTemp;
for (wTemp = 0; wTemp < ucNum; wTemp++)
; /* Just wait */
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