# obj-m is a list of what kernel modules to build. The .o and other
# objects will be automatically built from the corresponding .c file -
# no need to list the source files explicitly.
obj-m := hello_printk.o
# KDIR is the location of the kernel source. The current standard is
# to link to the associated source tree from the directory containing
# the compiled modules.
KDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
# PWD is the current working directory and the location of our module
# source files.
PWD := $(shell pwd)
# default is the default make target. The rule here says to run make
# with a working directory of the directory containing the kernel
# source and compile only the modules in the PWD (local) directory.
$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules
其中/lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)为当前内核的外部模块的保存路径,其中的build是个软链接,指向了当前核心的源代码。在编译驱动程序的时候,一定需要当前运行核心的源代码及其编译环境,需要源码的原因是因为驱动程序需要核心的include文件,需要核心的编译环境是驱动需要知道当前核心在编译时,选择了哪些模块及哪些高级选项
* "Hello, world!" minimal kernel module
* Valerie Henson
* The below are header files provided by the kernel which are
* required for all modules. They include things like the definition
* of the module_init() macro.
* This is the init function, which is run when the module is first
* loaded. The __init keyword tells the kernel that this code will
* only be run once, when the module is loaded.
static int __init
printk("Hello, world!\n");
return 0;
* The below macro informs the kernel as to which function to use as
* the init function.
* Similary, the exit function is run once, upon module unloading, and
* the module_exit() macro identifies which function is the exit
* function.
static void __exit
printk("Goodbye, world!\n");
* MODULE_LICENSE() informs the kernel what license the module source
* code is under, which affects which symbols it may access in the
* main kernel. Certain module licenses will "taint" the kernel,
* indicating that non-open or untrusted code has been loaded.
* Modules licensed under GPLv2 do not taint the kernel and can access
* all symbols, but declaring it so is a legal statement that the
* source code to this module is licensed under GPLv2, and so you must
* provide the source code if you ship a binary version of the module.
MODULE_AUTHOR("Valerie Henson ");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("\"Hello, world!\" minimal module");
$ sudo insmod ./hello_printk.ko
$ sudo rmmod hello_printk
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