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2015-12-09 15:58:05


上层要能使用select()poll()系统调用来监测某个设备文件描述符,那么就必须实现这个设备驱动程序中struct file_operation结构体的poll函数,为什么?

因为这两个系统调用最终都会调用驱动程序中的poll函数来初始化一个等待队列项然后将其加入到驱动程序中的等待队列头,这样就可以在硬件可读写的时候wake up这个等待队列头,然后等待(可以是多个)同一个硬件设备可读写事件的进程都将被唤醒。




一、          select()系统调用代码走读

调用顺序如下:sys_select() à core_sys_select() à do_select() à fop->poll()


SYSCALL_DEFINE5(select, int, n, fd_set __user *, inp, fd_set __user *, outp,

fd_set __user *, exp, struct timeval __user *, tvp)


       struct timespec end_time, *to = NULL;

       struct timeval tv;

       int ret;


       if (tvp) {// 如果超时值非NULL

              if (copy_from_user(&tv, tvp, sizeof(tv)))   // 从用户空间取数据到内核空间

                     return -EFAULT;


              to = &end_time;

              // 得到timespec格式的未来超时时间

              if (poll_select_set_timeout(to,

                            tv.tv_sec + (tv.tv_usec / USEC_PER_SEC),

                            (tv.tv_usec % USEC_PER_SEC) * NSEC_PER_USEC))

                     return -EINVAL;



       ret = core_sys_select(n, inp, outp, exp, to);             // 关键函数

       ret = poll_select_copy_remaining(&end_time, tvp, 1, ret);



       return ret;             // 返回就绪的文件描述符的个数






int core_sys_select(int n, fd_set __user *inp, fd_set __user *outp,

                        fd_set __user *exp, struct timespec *end_time)


       fd_set_bits fds;


       typedef struct {

              unsigned long *in, *out, *ex;

              unsigned long *res_in, *res_out, *res_ex;

} fd_set_bits;



       void *bits;

       int ret, max_fds;

       unsigned int size;

       struct fdtable *fdt;

       /* Allocate small arguments on the stack to save memory and be faster */

       long stack_fds[SELECT_STACK_ALLOC/sizeof(long)];

       // 256/32 = 8, stack中分配的空间


       @ include/linux/poll.h

#define FRONTEND_STACK_ALLOC     256




       ret = -EINVAL;

       if (n < 0)

              goto out_nofds;


       /* max_fds can increase, so grab it once to avoid race */


       fdt = files_fdtable(current->files); // RCU ref, 获取当前进程的文件描述符表

       max_fds = fdt->max_fds;


       if (n > max_fds)// 如果传入的n大于当前进程最大的文件描述符,给予修正

              n = max_fds;



        * We need 6 bitmaps (in/out/ex for both incoming and outgoing),

        * since we used fdset we need to allocate memory in units of

        * long-words.


       size = FDS_BYTES(n);

       // 以一个文件描述符占一bit来计算,传递进来的这些fd_set需要用掉多少个字

       bits = stack_fds;

       if (size > sizeof(stack_fds) / 6) {

              // 6,为什么?因为每个文件描述符需要6bitmaps

              /* Not enough space in on-stack array; must use kmalloc */

              ret = -ENOMEM;

              bits = kmalloc(6 * size, GFP_KERNEL); // stack中分配的太小,直接kmalloc

              if (!bits)

                     goto out_nofds;


       // 这里就可以明显看出struct fd_set_bits结构体的用处了。      = bits;

       fds.out     = bits +   size;

       fds.ex      = bits + 2*size;

       fds.res_in  = bits + 3*size;

       fds.res_out = bits + 4*size;

       fds.res_ex  = bits + 5*size;

       // get_fd_set仅仅调用copy_from_user从用户空间拷贝了fd_set

       if ((ret = get_fd_set(n, inp, ||

           (ret = get_fd_set(n, outp, fds.out)) ||

           (ret = get_fd_set(n, exp, fds.ex)))

              goto out;

       zero_fd_set(n, fds.res_in);  // 对这些存放返回状态的字段清0

       zero_fd_set(n, fds.res_out);

       zero_fd_set(n, fds.res_ex);


       ret = do_select(n, &fds, end_time);    // 关键函数,完成主要的工作


       if (ret < 0)             // 有错误

              goto out;

       if (!ret) {              // 超时返回,无设备就绪

              ret = -ERESTARTNOHAND;

              if (signal_pending(current))

                     goto out;

              ret = 0;



       // 把结果集,拷贝回用户空间

       if (set_fd_set(n, inp, fds.res_in) ||

           set_fd_set(n, outp, fds.res_out) ||

           set_fd_set(n, exp, fds.res_ex))

              ret = -EFAULT;



       if (bits != stack_fds)

              kfree(bits);     // 如果有申请空间,那么释放fds对应的空间


       return ret;                    // 返回就绪的文件描述符的个数






int do_select(int n, fd_set_bits *fds, struct timespec *end_time)


       ktime_t expire, *to = NULL;

       struct poll_wqueues table;

       poll_table *wait;

       int retval, i, timed_out = 0;

       unsigned long slack = 0;



       // 根据已经设置好的fd位图检查用户打开的fd, 要求对应fd必须打开并且返回

// 最大的fd

       retval = max_select_fd(n, fds);



       if (retval < 0)

              return retval;

       n = retval;


       // 一些重要的初始化:

       // poll_wqueues.poll_table.qproc函数指针初始化,该函数是驱动程序中poll函数实

       // 现中必须要调用的poll_wait()中使用的函数。


       wait = &;

       if (end_time && !end_time->tv_sec && !end_time->tv_nsec) {

              wait = NULL;

              timed_out = 1;     // 如果系统调用带进来的超时时间为0,那么设置

                                          // timed_out = 1,表示不阻塞,直接返回。



       if (end_time && !timed_out)

              slack = estimate_accuracy(end_time); // 超时时间转换


       retval = 0;

       for (;;) {

              unsigned long *rinp, *routp, *rexp, *inp, *outp, *exp;


              inp = fds->in; outp = fds->out; exp = fds->ex;

              rinp = fds->res_in; routp = fds->res_out; rexp = fds->res_ex;


              // 所有nfd的循环

              for (i = 0; i < n; ++rinp, ++routp, ++rexp) {

                     unsigned long in, out, ex, all_bits, bit = 1, mask, j;

                     unsigned long res_in = 0, res_out = 0, res_ex = 0;

                     const struct file_operations *f_op = NULL;

                     struct file *file = NULL;


                     // 先取出当前循环周期中的32个文件描述符对应的bitmaps

                     in = *inp++; out = *outp++; ex = *exp++;

                     all_bits = in | out | ex;  // 组合一下,有的fd可能只监测读,或者写,

// 或者e rr,或者同时都监测

                     if (all_bits == 0) {  // 32个描述符没有任何状态被监测,就跳入

// 下一个32fd的循环中

                            i += __NFDBITS; //32个文件描述符一个循环,正好一个long型数




                     // 本次32fd的循环中有需要监测的状态存在

                     for (j = 0; j < __NFDBITS; ++j, ++i, bit <<= 1) {// 初始bit = 1

                            int fput_needed;

                            if (i >= n)      // i用来检测是否超出了最大待监测的fd


                            if (!(bit & all_bits))

                                   continue; // bit每次循环后左移一位的作用在这里,用来

// 跳过没有状态监测的fd

                            file = fget_light(i, &fput_needed); // 得到file结构指针,并增加

// 引用计数字段f_count

                            if (file) {        // 如果file存在

                                   f_op = file->f_op;

                                   mask = DEFAULT_POLLMASK;

                                   if (f_op && f_op->poll) {

                                          wait_key_set(wait, in, out, bit);// 设置当前fd待监测

//  的事件掩码

                                          mask = (*f_op->poll)(file, wait);



evdev_poll()为例该函数会调用函数poll_wait(file, &evdev->wait, wait),继续调用__pollwait()回调来分配一个poll_table_entry结构体,该结构体有一个内嵌的等待队列项,设置好wake时调用的回调函数后将其添加到驱动程序中的等待队列头中。



                                   fput_light(file, fput_needed);

                                   // 释放file结构指针,实际就是减小他的一个引用



                                   // mask是每一个fop->poll()程序返回的设备状态掩码。

                                   if ((mask & POLLIN_SET) && (in & bit)) {

                                          res_in |= bit;         // fd对应的设备可读


                                          wait = NULL;       // 后续有用,避免重复执行__pollwait()


                                   if ((mask & POLLOUT_SET) && (out & bit)) {

                                          res_out |= bit;              // fd对应的设备可写


                                          wait = NULL;


                                   if ((mask & POLLEX_SET) && (ex & bit)) {

                                          res_ex |= bit;


                                          wait = NULL;




                     // 根据poll的结果写回到输出位图里,返回给上级函数

                     if (res_in)

                            *rinp = res_in;

                     if (res_out)

                            *routp = res_out;

                     if (res_ex)

                            *rexp = res_ex;








              wait = NULL;  // 后续有用,避免重复执行__pollwait()

              if (retval || timed_out || signal_pending(current))


              if (table.error) {

                     retval = table.error;



              /*跳出这个大循环的条件有有设备就绪或有异常(retval!=0), 超时(timed_out

              = 1), 或者有中止信号出现*/



               * If this is the first loop and we have a timeout

               * given, then we convert to ktime_t and set the to

               * pointer to the expiry value.


              if (end_time && !to) {

                     expire = timespec_to_ktime(*end_time);

                     to = &expire;



              // 第一次循环中,当前用户进程从这里进入休眠,

// 上面传下来的超时时间只是为了用在睡眠超时这里而已

              // 超时,poll_schedule_timeout()返回0;被唤醒时返回-EINTR

              if (!poll_schedule_timeout(&table, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE,

                                      to, slack))

                     timed_out = 1; /* 超时后,将其设置成1,方便后面退出循环返回到上层 */



       // 清理各个驱动程序的等待队列头,同时释放掉所有空出来

// page(poll_table_entry)



       return retval; // 返回就绪的文件描述符的个数


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