Case class
case class和普通class类似,只是定义的时候以case class开始,而不是class。对于case class,编译器自动添加伙伴object,伙伴object中包含apply和unapply方法,apply提供了简化构造实例的方式(可以省略new关键字),unapply提供了对class实例属性提取的方法。
Scala中,对于X(param), x为object名称或者class实例对象,编译器会将其转换成 x.apply(param)的调用,所以case class的伙伴object中的apply方法,提供了类似工厂方法的构造class实例的功能。同时,case class构造函数中的参数,被编译器自动添加了val的前缀,成为case class的成员。对于case class,编译器同时添加了toString、hashCode、equals、copy方法。copy方法提供了从已有实例构造新实例的一种方法,只需要在参数列表中用命名参数指出需要改变的属性。实例如下:
scala> case class People(firstName:String,lastName:String)
defined class People
scala> val people = People("Alice","Wang")
people: People = People(Alice,Wang)
scala> people.firstName
res0: String = Alice
scala> people.lastName
res1: String = Wang
scala> people == People("Alice","Wang")
res5: Boolean = true
scala> val miss = people.copy(lastName="Ma")
miss: People = People(Alice,Ma)
scala> println(miss)
scala> println(people)
Pattern matching
Scala中,模式匹配和Java中的switch case比较类似,具体形式如下:
x match {
case expr => expr
scala> val v = 1
v: Int = 1
scala> v match {
| case 1 => println("One")
| case _ => println("Not one")
| }
其中,case _和 匹配其它所有条件;case 语句从上往下执行,只执行匹配到的case;和Java中不同,不需要指定break。比如:
scala> def matchTest(x:Any) = x match {
| case 1 => println("Got one")
| case v:Int => println("Got Int "+ v)
| case _ =>
| }
matchTest: (x: Any)Unit
scala> matchTest(1)
Got one
scala> def matchTest(x:Any) = x match {
| case v:Int => println("Got Int " + v)
| case 1 => println("Got one")
| case _ =>
| }
matchTest: (x: Any)Unit
scala> matchTest(1)
Got Int 1
scala> def matchTest(x:Any) = x match {
| case 1 => println("Got one")
| case str:String => println("Got string:" + str)
| case (a,b,c) => println("Got triple:("+a+","+b+","+c+")")
| case People(firstName,lastName) => println("Got people:"+firstName+" "+lastName)
| case _ => println("Got something new")
| }
matchTest: (x: Any)Unit
scala> matchTest(1)
Got one
scala> matchTest("Hi,Alice")
Got string:Hi,Alice
scala> matchTest((1,2,3))
Got triple:(1,2,3)
scala> val alice = People("Alice","Wang")
alice: People = People(Alice,Wang)
scala> matchTest(alice)
Got people:Alice Wang
scala> matchTest(Nil)
Got something new
Pattern Guards
scala> def matchTest(x:Any) = x match {
| case People(firstName,lastName) if firstName=="Alice" => println("Hello,Alice")
| case _ => println("Glad to see you")
| }
matchTest: (x: Any)Unit
scala> val alice = People("Alice","Wang")
alice: People = People(Alice,Wang)
scala> val tudou = People("Tudou","Ma")
tudou: People = People(Tudou,Ma)
scala> matchTest(alice)
scala> matchTest(tudou)
Glad to see you
Programming Scala 2nd Edition
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