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分类: 项目管理

2015-06-05 10:55:32


What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is an  application that monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron. Among those things, current Jenkins focuses on the following two jobs:

  • Building/testing software projects continuously, just like CruiseControl or DamageControl. In a nutshell, Jenkins provides an easy-to-use so-called continuous integration system, making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build. The automated, continuous build increases the productivity.
  • Monitoring executions of externally-run jobs, such as cron jobs and procmail jobs, even those that are run on a remote machine. For example, with cron, all you receive is regular e-mails that capture the output, and it is up to you to look at them diligently and notice when it broke. Jenkins keeps those outputs and makes it easy for you to notice when something is wrong.

Who is using it?

 and organizations. Most instances tend to run inside the firewall, but Google can tell you . We also have some statistics collected from the anonymous usage survey 


Jenkins offers the following features:

  1. Easy installation: Just java -jar jenkins.war, or deploy it in a servlet container. No additional install, no database.
  2. Easy configuration: Jenkins can be configured entirely from its friendly web GUI with extensive on-the-fly error checks and inline help. There's no need to tweak XML manually anymore, although if you'd like to do so, you can do that, too.
  3. Change set support: Jenkins can generate a list of changes made into the build from Subversion/CVS. This is also done in a fairly efficient fashion, to reduce the load on the repository.
  4. Permanent links: Jenkins gives you clean readable URLs for most of its pages, including some permalinks like "latest build"/"latest successful build", so that they can be easily linked from elsewhere.
  5. RSS/E-mail/IM Integration: Monitor build results by RSS or e-mail to get real-time notifications on failures.
  6. After-the-fact tagging: Builds can be tagged long after builds are completed.
  7. JUnit/TestNG test reporting: JUnit test reports can be tabulated, summarized, and displayed with history information, such as when it started breaking, etc. History trend is plotted into a graph.
  8. Distributed builds: Jenkins can distribute build/test loads to multiple computers. This lets you get the most out of those idle workstations sitting beneath developers' desks.
  9. File fingerprinting: Jenkins can keep track of which build produced which jars, and which build is using which version of jars, and so on. This works even for jars that are produced outside Jenkins, and is ideal for projects to track dependency.
  10. Plugin Support: Jenkins can be extended via 3rd party plugins. You can write plugins to make Jenkins support tools/processes that your team uses.

Jenkins Best Practices

Continuous Integration with automated test execution has seen broad adoption in recent years. The ideas behind Continuous Integration have changed how companies look at Build Management, Release Management, Deployment Automation, and Test Orchestration. This section provides a set of best practices for Jenkins - A Continuous Integration Solution to provide executives, business managers, software developers and architects a better sense of the development progress and code quality of projects throughout the development lifecycle. (View )



持续集成,Continuous integration ,简称CI。

随着软件开发复杂度的不断提高,团队开发成员间如何更好地协同工作以确保软件开发的质量已经慢慢成为开发过程中不可回避的问题。尤其是近些年来,敏捷(Agile) 在软件工程领域越来越红火,如何能再不断变化的需求中快速适应和保证软件的质量也显得尤其的重要。






  • 它是一个自动化的周期性的集成测试过程,从检出代码、编译构建、运行测试、结果记录、测试统计等都是自动完成的,无需人工干预;
  • 需要有专门的集成服务器来执行集成构建;
  • 需要有代码托管工具支持;


  • 保证团队开发人员提交代码的质量,减轻了软件发布时的压力;
  • 持续集成中的任何一个环节都是自动完成的,无需太多的人工干预,有利于减少重复过程以节省时间、费用和工作量;





Jenkins,原名Hudson,2011年改为现在的名字,它 是一个开源的实现持续集成的软件工具。官方网站:。

Jenkins 能实施监控集成中存在的错误,提供详细的日志文件和提醒功能,还能用图表的形式形象地展示项目构建的趋势和稳定性。


  • 易安装:仅仅一个 java -jar jenkins.war,从官网下载该文件后,直接运行,无需额外的安装,更无需安装数据库;
  • 易配置:提供友好的GUI配置界面;
  • 变更支持:Jenkins能从代码仓库(Subversion/CVS)中获取并产生代码更新列表并输出到编译输出信息中;
  • 支持永久链接:用户是通过web来访问Jenkins的,而这些web页面的链接地址都是永久链接地址,因此,你可以在各种文档中直接使用该链接;
  • 集成E-Mail/RSS/IM:当完成一次集成时,可通过这些工具实时告诉你集成结果(据我所知,构建一次集成需要花费一定时间,有了这个功能,你就可以在等待结果过程中,干别的事情);
  • JUnit/TestNG测试报告:也就是用以图表等形式提供详细的测试报表功能;
  • 支持分布式构建:Jenkins可以把集成构建等工作分发到多台计算机中完成;
  • 文件指纹信息:Jenkins会保存哪次集成构建产生了哪些jars文件,哪一次集成构建使用了哪个版本的jars文件等构建记录;
  • 支持第三方插件:使得 Jenkins 变得越来越强大;



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