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2014-07-25 13:13:36

According to the official infographic posted at the 1 year anniversary which you can find here people played in total 2.8 billion hours, spread pretty evenly across all regions see characters created by battlenet region.

Based on that, I consider 1 billion hours (1,000,000,000) played so far in Europe to be an underestimation, but I go with that number.

I farm to find something nice for my character or for a friends character. I don spend every penny on the next dps upgrade from the auction house. So I can actually find or craft upgrades relatively easy. Oh, by the way, are you surprised you aren finding better items than what available in the auction house where items are collected by almost the entire player base together? That just silly.

Is it near impossible to find the best of the best? Yes, it is. in every game, including Diablo 2.

That basically what your saying, that it hard to find the best items in the game. News flash, it should be hard or next to impossible. That why they are considered the best.

The point of this thread is to start a discussion on how rewarding the game should be.

Well, the game in terms of finding items will never be rewarding for you as long as you use the auction house because that the result of the entire player base. I just trying to have discussions. Really, honestly, I don want to come here and just have people reply with a hate train and if you could read my comments below we can continue this discussion without name calling. I open to viewpoints and to admidt a view of mine is wrong if someone would actually give a logical and reasonable explanation instead of just going to name calling.

But you going to an extreme yourself saying 500k sheet dps gaps. If you want to jump on me everytime I mention that for every godly item there are thousands and thousands of shit items that drop, it the same with "good" items you talk about but that level is still orders of magnitude more frequent than a godly item. But I think while you attack me for "extremes" you use examples of extremes yourself.

There is no 500k sheet DPS gap. It more along the lines of anyone can get 150k sheet DPS if they actually try for it. Do some AH flips and you can mass the gold needed. Getting 200k is probably a good milestone for an average player, unless your a Barb, Monk or CM Wizard you likely won be doing MP10 content, but MP8(ish) should be fine. When you start pushing towards 300k+ that when you getting into the perfect roll territory. I play hardcore 99% of the time but I just go on the AH and flip items to gear my softcore guys, I found the 150k point easy to get and 200k is when I need to start buying things over 20M a piece to get there.

Personally, I still think MP10 monster health is way too large and thus requires a heavy emphasis on eDPS. I have a spreadsheet of my own that calculates what is an effective MP level for me to play on based off having an equal efficiency at MP0. For me to say MP0 is EZ PZ I need 41k damage to just face roll everything. If I want to have 100% equal chance to find items on MP10 I need something like 370k damage.

So to me, the extreme is a 900% jump in DPS requirement from MP0 MP10. But when you look at stuff like monster health you going from 100% 3439% health. If you want to kill stuff at the same speed you do on MP0 then you cannot ever get that much damage.

There are several "humps" if you call it depending on what playstyle you use for sheet DPS. For a self found character, my hump is getting to a 100k sheet DPS breakpoint, this would also be someone who is on an under 100M budget likely. Then people who are looking at spending over 100M but probably less than 1B are at a wall of making 200k sheet DPS. Once you start spending over 1B on gear, or single items alone you pushing yourself into the small community who are very much so looking for those 95th percentile of items. Those are the guys who want a 9% IAS on their 6% crit Mempos or just looking for 90+/90+ str/vit 9% inna pants.

But everytime you sit and make a shit comment to me about my extremes about perfect items, the term "good item" is really relative to what level of gear your character has. I not saying the itemization is perfect. It does suck when you have a weapon that ranges from 200 DPS to 1400 DPS or getting an awesome item that has an all resist roll of 15 on it. It always seems like that slot machine is one roll away from turning your shit item into a good one, and the majorit of the time it is that way where you are literally one affix off the item being godly.

The nature of the game though is a grind. The better your gear gets the longer the gap between upgrades or finding good items becomes.

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