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  • 注册时间: 2013-06-07 18:29






分类: 信息化

2013-11-28 10:03:04

197 Chinese stores throw off Rolex China's Year of the Snake has not been that many luxury brands could not wait to release with the snake on a variety of new products, according to China almost every year they will meet Chinese consumers' taste preferences introduced specialty products. But it is certain that, Omega is an exception. Urquhart) told financial weekly newspaper reporter, although nearly seventy years, his eyes still revealing a self-confidence and perseverance. Nicole Swatch Group AG) is the world's largest watch producer and distributor, it's dozens of watch brands. Brand positioning, even Yakedeluo (JaquetDroz), Blancpain (Blancpain) and Breguet (Breguet) more famous, but speaking of commercial importance, Omega has set thousands of pet in one. Originator of the watch industry event marketing In addition to print ads on the large number of inputs, the Omega is most commendable event marketing. In order to enter the Chinese market in 1895, Omega watch company donated to the Shanghai Railway Bureau, Omega watch, becoming the first Swiss watch brands to enter the Chinese one. But truly enter the Chinese mainland market in 1985. Omega was the leader Jean Claude Biver is the first predictable that China's future will be high-end watches excellent marketer. Omega into China the first thing a customer service center, Omega invested in customer service even more human than sales. It is because in the major cities and even some small cities have a counter and after-sales service, making Omega in the secondary distribution market also has a high value. Most notably its participation in the Apollo program, since it is six times the moon. In addition to participating historic big event, Omega enthusiasm for sports sponsorship Perhaps no brand can match. Stephen Urquhart told financial weekly newspaper reporter. So, Omega LOGO major events throughout the venue, in addition to swimming, athletics and sailing, but also began to enter the old rivals Omega Rolex has dominated golf tournament. 2011, The PGA of America was suddenly broken with the Rolex 17-year sponsorship contract with its main rival Omega signed a five-year agreement. Super one hundred flagship store Steeped in the watch industry for 45 years, Stephen Urquhart, for Omega has a unique emotion. Although he had previously Blancpain, Audemars Piguet, Jaeger-LeCoultre held senior, but he entered the community's first job was at Omega's marketing department. Now re-serve the Omega, it seems kind of roots feeling. For Omega's performance in the Chinese market confidence Ouke China: Urquhart: Global undifferentiated marketing M = Moneyweek S = Stephen Urquhart Stephen Urquhart M: You enter the watch industry has been 44 years, and has served in several senior top watch brands, from culture, marketing, product point of view, what is unique about Omega? S: Omega unique brand culture largely reflected in three aspects: respect for tradition and heritage, the concern for excellence, as well as innovative content unshaken adherence. In the product and marketing, Omega and other brands except that: Our product strategy and marketing strategy on a global scale are unified. M: There are a number of luxury brands began to test the water and electricity providers, what do you think the network, this channel? Whether it will consider electricity provider channel? S: For now, do not try Omega Hydro's plan, but this does not mean we do not value the network channels, in fact, Omega is also very active network of propaganda, we know that consumers will increasingly from the brand's official website and a variety of social media understand the brand and product information. S: All Omega watches series have been successful in China, past experience tells us that Chinese consumer preferences are very extensive.
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